1 1/2 week old lethargic barred rock

I start making grit available for brooder raised chicks between 10 and 14 days. Most feeds used for brooder raised birds do not require chicks to have grit in gizzard for normal processing. What are you feeding?
24% starter feed. the local feed store guy told me no, but I have heard to the contrary. do I buy special grit or just give them some sand? also, just got poly vi sol. going to administer now. also, should I mix up an elctolyte pack in water and give it to all my chicks
gave lethargic chick a couple of drops of poly vi sol, also have provided it water with electrolytes. will have to wait and see. thanks to all who have posted thus far with all your information. Please feel free to continue to post. let you know in the morning
Honey is a good emergency energy booster. Put a drop in its beak every once in a while, if you don't have polyvisol.

Electrolytes and sugars will not be effective unless digestive tract working. Fluids / gases backing up in crop indicate tract not working.

Being that chick is so young, I would euthanize.

What have you been feeding to birds prior to noticing health problems?
starter feed and water. took them out side once and watched them for a few minutes about 3 days ago. very short period of time. also put in 2 small pieces of greens, like lettuce but no iunterest. it has pooped, watery and white , like diarreha

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