1/2 sister just stole $215,000.00 !!!!!!!! UPDATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wow, Opie, I hope you get everything figured out.

Henry'schickens, that is a REALLY sad story. I guess you find out what's really important to people at a time like that.
You are correct about it being taken out of the estate MayberrySaint, thats how she was able to keep it. I am trying to now get 1/2 of a checking acount that my dad had that had myself and him both on the dual checking account, by law 1/2 of that is mine and if she is doing this then I want that . It aint much, about $4500.00 I have sent a demand letter to the estate attorney ,(who seems to be representing her more than the estate) and requested that money sent to me ASAP. He hasnt responded and neither has she.
When my dad died his girlfriend sold his car and kept everything that was his. A few years later my mom died and i got nothing a all, but my dear realtives deceided i should pay part of funeral costs for a woman i hadnt seen in 7 years and left me when i was 3. I was supposed to pay the part that the goverment wouldnt pay (she was on gov assistance in germany)I was 19 then and had nothing while her siblings all had houses and money. I called the funeral home that send me the bill very upset and told them to send bill to the jack.... who ordered the stuff. Almost a 1000DM of stuff like upgrades and pillows...
Well that seems about the way it goes Conny63malies, everyone wants to spend it until it comes time to pay the bill then its everyone for themselves.
Henryschickens, I have a dream about once a month that my dad comes back and hes Ok. Realy P/oed at what my sister did and wanting answeres.
Well, my folks left two of my siblings in charge of their living trust. At present it's worth over 1.5 mil. There are 7 siblings. I don't have any worries. I'd trust either of them with my life.
Well, before my father passed away, I asked him if he had everything taken care of, ( I hated talking to him about it, but at 87, it was something that had to be done) . He felt certain that this sister would do the "right" thing as she was always the good one, she would do the family get togethers and such. Always seemed to be the one to do what was right. Boy was he wrong.
I, too, believe in karma. What goes around, comes around. This woman will have a time when she needs something - a friend, money, a shoulder, compassion, charity, kindness - and it won't be granted. What she has done it terrible and rotten... and it will haunt her in some way, shape, or form.
I dont have any rich relatives but when my grandmother died almost 10 years after my grandfather she willed $500 to each grandchild EXCEPT x and x because they were never nice to her or came around, even though they lived across the street. They showed up at the funeral though, I bet they were disappointed later on. The rest of the house hold everyone (several generations as my mom and her oldest sister were nearly 30 years apart) was wonderfully divided each person taking what they wanted and the major items going to who needed them most. I got washer and dryer, cousin needed the couch etc. Too bad every family cant be so civil.
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This is true, my bro and I are executiors of my parents wills but there is some property/stocks/a vechicle that say TOD with my name. The understanding is that these items our mine outside of everything else that is to be sold and divide between myself and 4 siblings.

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