1.5 month old chick with bald spot


Nov 3, 2015
Hi. One of my little girls has some balding on her neck (see picture). Is this from the others pecking her or is it something like mites? Penelope is the one with the bald neck (she's a black sex-linked). She's the smallest of four. None of the others have bald spots.
Thanks ahead of time!

and Ethel, Metoo, Harriet II, Penelope, Lucille and Margaret Hatcher

Hello there and welcome to BYC!

This is normal for this age of chick. They will molt 6 or 7 times before they reach laying age. So expect some baldness. This is perfectly normal. :)

Cute chick!! :)
Thank you! I got some mite dust just in case, but I'll hold off if they don't need it.

My little girls are such joy!!

2 barred rock and 2 black sex-linked

Thank you! I got some mite dust just in case, but I'll hold off if they don't need it.

My little girls are such joy!!

2 barred rock and 2 black sex-linked

Aww...just adorable! I have a few Barred Rocks in my flock. They are such pretty birds when they fully feather out! Enjoy your babies! :)

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