- Mar 5, 2018
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Quick story to give any knowledge you may need: I have had chickens before, but had to get rid of them when my parents divorced. We got 13 from one hatchery, and a week later got 7 more from another (because I wanted Cochins). We had a divider in the brooder for a few weeks until they were acquainted with each other. The reason I mentioned that is because I know mixing flocks can cause issues, but I don’t know to what extent. Anyway, I’m going to describe a few problems, feel free to answer one or a few or all. Any help is appreciated greatly! I’m new to this website also.
First problem: this is the big one I’m concerned about. One of my chickens, a golden laced Cochin, has gotten a swollen face around the eye, as well as some bubbles in the eye. I have some pictures here:
The same thing happened a few weeks ago (2 I believe, started around 3 weeks ago) but it died down and we figured she was ok. But now after a week, it’s back and more than before. What could be causing this? A theory I had was that using the deep litter method, which my mom loves, is causing too much ammonia which can lead to respiratory diseases. If that’s what is happening how do I treat this? One other chicken is have a much milder issue, a Rhode Island Red, and she only has a few bubbles in her eye. Her’s came a lot later than the others, and I have adamantly checked the other chickens for possible signs of this. They are the only two as of now.
Second and third concern: I’m wondering if the picture I have of a chickens crooked toe is a bad thing. I’m not sure how it happened, but will they be able to live with it and not have any huge problems? Is it a normal thing or is it caused by a faulty structure or anything like that? And finally, my blue americauna is having her “muff” feathers pecked off. I think it’s because they are wet but I feel so bad for her. Is there anything I can do? I have a picture of her posted as well.
For those of you who read and/or helped thank you very much!! I’m not very knowledgeable so this is a great website for me.
First problem: this is the big one I’m concerned about. One of my chickens, a golden laced Cochin, has gotten a swollen face around the eye, as well as some bubbles in the eye. I have some pictures here:
The same thing happened a few weeks ago (2 I believe, started around 3 weeks ago) but it died down and we figured she was ok. But now after a week, it’s back and more than before. What could be causing this? A theory I had was that using the deep litter method, which my mom loves, is causing too much ammonia which can lead to respiratory diseases. If that’s what is happening how do I treat this? One other chicken is have a much milder issue, a Rhode Island Red, and she only has a few bubbles in her eye. Her’s came a lot later than the others, and I have adamantly checked the other chickens for possible signs of this. They are the only two as of now.
Second and third concern: I’m wondering if the picture I have of a chickens crooked toe is a bad thing. I’m not sure how it happened, but will they be able to live with it and not have any huge problems? Is it a normal thing or is it caused by a faulty structure or anything like that? And finally, my blue americauna is having her “muff” feathers pecked off. I think it’s because they are wet but I feel so bad for her. Is there anything I can do? I have a picture of her posted as well.
For those of you who read and/or helped thank you very much!! I’m not very knowledgeable so this is a great website for me.
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