1 Hen Dead Another Real Close To Death Help Asap!!!!!!!UPDATE 6:24PM

I don't have much to add other than I second they are remarkable healers. My chicken got caught on a nail and ripped her entire back of the neck open. I separated her and let it heal...you would never know she was hurt now. Actually it was amazing to watch because OMG that was a huge, nasty wound.

I hope things get better for your girls soon.
fiberart--I am pasting the link to that posting here:

What I do is do a search and find the thread (with relevant words, etc..), then go up to the top of my computer to the address bar (?it has a little chicky by it when I'm on BYC) right click, then click on "copy", Go back to the message I was working on and then right click and click "paste". Or you can go back and edit an earlier posting.

Hambone--youv'e got lots of info here to work with, all I can add is that PLEASE consider de-beaking to be a last resort, just above culling. Hopefully you can find a good solution for all your girls. Has anyone mentioned the use of Blu-Kote for pecking?
I'm sorry you had this problem.

I just looked at your tractor and it sure is a nice one. I can't tell the size by looking at the pics - if it is a 5 x 10 ft tractor or bigger (at least 50 sf), then I doubt their housing is the problem, but if it's a lot smaller, they definitely do need more space or free-ranging time. Most people on BYC suggest at least 4 sf per standard size chicken in the coop and 10 sf of run space per chicken.
Do not put any more of the chickens down...I had something very similar happen to one of my hens as three of the other hens nearly pecked it to death...When I found it I felt so bad that I brought it inside and nearly didn't sleep that night! I called in late to work the next day and took the chicken to the vet...She told me it was the worst wound she had ever seen on a chicken in her office and that she would try to find a way to keep the chicken alive...The chicken didn't even have any skin left to stitch as they had pecked down into the meat...She gave me an oral antibiotic to give the chicken twice a day and I had to spray off the wound with the sink sprayer and apply a cream at least once a day...I did this for about two weeks with the chicken in the house and she started getting better...I have since moved the chicken outdoors into her own personal pen and she is doing well...It is pretty amazing how well chickens heal and how attached you get to them while taking care of them! GOOD LUCK!
I'm sorry you had this problem.

I just looked at your tractor and it sure is a nice one. I can't tell the size by looking at the pics - if it is a 5 x 10 ft tractor or bigger (at least 50 sf), then I doubt their housing is the problem, but if it's a lot smaller, they definitely do need more space or free-ranging time. Most people on BYC suggest at least 4 sf per standard size chicken in the coop and 10 sf of run space per chicken.

12 ft long by 5 feet wide.
Since your run is large enough for 5 hens (60 sf) and even has extra roosting poles, I don't think the lack of free-ranging is the cause of their pecking. I do see some kind of electrical box on the side of your coop. Do you, by any chance, have light or heat inside the coop? If so, that could be the problem - a light at night or being too warm can make them miserable and grumpy.

Also, are you absolutely positive that the chickens are hurting each other and there is not a rat or something that has been biting them? They will peck at bloody areas even if they are not cannabilistic - have you ever seen them pecking at each other before finding the injuries? Have there been any new injuries since you put on the peepers?
The outside roosting poles are only used in summer. I took them down and put one inside their box for the winter months. The box on the side of the tractor is an electric fence box. I also have a heated pet bowl for them plugged in. I don't use a light. Before the injuries I had noticed pecking. My hens butts were becoming bare. Then it escalated fast. I ordered blinders but had not put them on right away. Then when I went out to feed them new years eve cannibalism had taken over. No more foraging or scraping around just pecking. Discussing to watch. Made me sick to watch. The blinders will stay on until they all heal. Hopefully enough time to fix them of the pecking problem. In which time I will free range them every day. I'm still hoping for the best for my hen with the bad wound on her leg. I hope she makes it. I will put Neosporin on her leg every 2 days.

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