1 hen in flock has diarrhea.

Have not dewormed the flock. They are only 6 months old didnt think they needed it yet. Neighbor across the street is a vet tech. She said they can do a fecal test for worms so thats gonna happen in the next two days. Depending on the results will determine if I deworm. I have given them some yogurt and will monitor. Like I said previously other than the diarrhea in the one hen the whole flock is acting normal.
It's great that you can get a fecal float - I really have no idea what the white in the poop is - doesn't really look like typical worm eggs, but who knows.

Just keep a watch on her - she does still need to drink plenty and eat. You may want to do as @MasterOfClucker suggested and offer only dry feed for several days to see if that makes a difference - the fermented feed may not be agreeing with her.

Keep us posted.
Just to update everyone.
Fecal tests came back negative. Took samples from 3 of the 6 hens and all were clear.

Like posted earlier I gave the flock some yogurt to see if that would help with the diarrhea, it appeared to help. The next day noticed more poop on the backside of the same hen so I had to do some more investigating.
In my coop I have poop boards under the roost. For some reason the hen in question has started sleeping on the poop board instead of the roost so she is basically sleeping in her poop and that is how it is getting on her backside.
Now I have a new problem, how do I get her to sleep back on the roost? I dont believe she is being bullied off the roost because she is towards the top of the pecking order.
I'm glad your tests were clear and that you solved a mystery:)

Lowering your poop board as @MasterOfClucker suggests may help. Some other solutions may be a wider roosting bar, she may like her feet flatter. Also check the bottom of her feet just in case she has any scabs/cuts or broken nails that may be painful. I had one girl rip off a toenail one time, she didn't roost for a couple of days until it healed up some, then she went back to her normal spot.
Not sure if I have a problem or not. I have a flock of 6 hens that are just over 6 months old and all are laying. One of the hens has prerty serious diarrhea. It is brown in color, no blood in it. She has had this for about a week and her rear feathers were getting pasty. We cleaned her feathers. Other than that she seems fine, no loss of appetite, plenty of energy, laying every day... Should we be worried? Is there something to do about the diarrhea? Any help is appreciated.
I have the same problem with an 8 week old, one pound baby chicken. I can't get a straight answer anywhere including this site. She was on Medicated feed so I don't think she has coccideosis. but her poop is brown and goopy. CAN I GIVE HER KAOPECTATE OR PEPTO BISMAL, ANYBODY???


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