1 nest, 3 pea hens, 15 eggs, and not one of them is sitting!!!


11 Years
Jun 9, 2008
Washington State
I have 1 white pea hen and 2 blues in with a white peacock. They have build up a huge stock pile of eggs and they are not sitting. what gives? They nest is nice and quiet with lots of cover. Am I peaking in too much or what?
Peafowls have been domesticated for so long that some are just not good setters. Kind of like White Leghorns. I good brood hen would do you some good.
I don' have one of them either.
Id incubate them or stick them under a chicken who's brooding... if you dont have ither... find a friend that has a brooding chicken... Make sure to take the cicken eggs away and replace with the peafowl eggs..

Best of luck.
How old is your peafowl? You can sell me some of the eggs. I am in Oregon and I have broody hens.
The two blue hens I bought as chicks and they are 3 this year, along with the white male. (He was suposed to be a black shoulder:rolleyes:) I jsut bought the white hen a few months ago and was told she is 5 years old and has hatched her own eggs before. I know she is laying becuase I was in the pen and she was on the perch above me when she layed an egg! The egg hit my shouldger and then smashed on the ground.
I don't know if she was trying to tell me something or not.
I would love to ship people eggs no problem or have them come get some. I am selling my incubator and getting a "Real" one, so I don't want to plug in my old hubabator again. PM me if you want some and I do have a pay pal account. Not sure how much they are worth. I just marked 2 this morning that were layed already today or last night. Thanks!

I will go take some pictures of them so you can se what they look like.
L&Schickens :

I don' have one of them either.

I sure wish you did have at least one broody hen---I have a black Silkie hen that hatched out 2 white peachicks that are about 3 weeks old now and they sure are cute together, and boy, is she protective of those babies!!!

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