1 possible egg-eater + sudden stop in all laying


In the Brooder
6 Years
Apr 6, 2013
Central Ohio
Possible egg-eater issues... Not sure.
I was gone for a week and my hubby kept an eye on the coop. He and my sons spent a whole day babysitting it to see who the egg-eater was. There's one who was loitering and checking all the nest boxes but really none of the other 5 who should be laying even visited the nests. Of 6 who should be laying (3- 2yo, 3- 1yo), they got 4 eggs all week.

::Not hearing egg songs frequently like we were.
::Upon inspection, no mites, no molting, no evidence of egg binding or predators.
::Bright red combs and wattles and all are doing submissive squat. Seems all are perky, happy and healthy.
::Free-choice layer feed and oyster shell available. Time outside of run for grass and bugs in the yard daily.
My next thought was, could there be a weed in the yard that would not necessarily hurt them but prevent them from laying?
TIA for any feedback
Could they be laying outside somewhere when they are free-ranging? I had some girls who loved to have hidden nests. They could squeeze themselves into the smallest places -- it was amazing. Laying also depends on the breed. Some are better layers than others. I don't know about any plants that would stop them from laying.
In fairly mild climate, people sometimes plant a little clover like plant called dichondrra. It isn't good for chickens and you see it often mixed into lawns in shady places. Of course foxglove would not be good either, or poppies, but usually they stay away from those anyway. They are usually pretty discriminating so not too much go worry about. Good Luck.
UPDATE: we did not have to cull....the suspected egg-eater passed suddenly on Friday. Took her for necropsy to rule out infectious disease. Though we lost one of our friendliest hens, we are happy that the rest of the flock is not at risk of disease. Apparently Buffy released a few yolks into her abdomen. Her body temp cooked them and caused much inflammation and fluid. Her liver was affected which is what killed her. We've been getting 4 eggs a day ever since. Thanks again for your input.

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