10 BBS Orps - Seven hatched! PICS P.2 & 4

Congrats they are to cute!

i hope to someday hatch BBS Orps eggs
I just got back from a dinner engagement and tw more hatched!!! Woohoo!

Also, the one I thought was dead because it hadn't moved has pipped!! Weeee! I still need two more to pip for all ten to have at least pipped.

I have a feeling I am not gonna get much sleep tonight!
I do have a question. Is it better to leave the chicks in the bator or take them out to clean things up. I hate to open the bator for the eggs still pipping, but they are crawling all over the other eggs and I cant tell which have pipped or not.
The last three haven't pipped yet. They were rocking a couple of days ago. Is it too late for them? It is coming up on the end of day 21 in a few hours.
Ok so how many chicks have come out? i got a little confused with the zipping, and pipping, and peeping and i just got lost
Leave them alone in there. If you open the bator to take them out the membranes on the ones that haven't hatched can shrink up on the little chickies and smother them. It let's the humidity out also. They can go for 3+ days without food and water because of the yoke sack they have absorbed.
It is SO HARD to just leave them be and wait for the others to hatch.

Be patiant.

lol i have five that have hatched, and there are two more that have pipped and are still coming. Looks like the other three died before pipping.
lol i have five that have hatched, and there are two more that have pipped and are still coming. Looks like the other three died before pipping.

Got it! lol. im going to put some eggs this friday and i need to review somethings. How much does the humidity has to be and how much of humidity you need to increase on the last days?

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