10 month old not sleeping or eating solid foods anymore????

Skip the aspirin for any child under 21, it is associated with some serious risks, mainly Reye Syndrome.

When my kiddo was about that age, we skipped the teething bicuits but gave him stuff to chew on. Crusty bread and pizza crusts were favorites. They eventually mush up in the kids mouth, give the chewing satisfaction and don't turn into cement when they dry, unlike the teething biscuits.
Good idea to schedule a checkup "just in case." Babies eat lots just before a growth spurt, so that could be part of it. I'd try to avoid the cheetos most of the time and give more nutritious foods.

Definitely let him feed himself to the extent that he can. Years ago I taught a preschool class. The oldest kid in the class, who was old enough that he should have been in pre-K, not preschool, and in most areas was developmentally and intellectually ready for pre-K. But he had the absolute WORST handwriting/small muscle control in class There were kids well over a year younger who were far more developed in that area. At a parent teacher conference we were discussing him and (since he showed no preference when writing or colouring towards using one hand over the other) I asked which hand he used to hold spoons and forks. His mom just looked at me for a moment, then said that he was too messy, so she never let him handle the utensils, she always fed him! GEE! no wonder he had so little control--he was never allowed to practice using his small muscles.

The American Academy of Pediatrics says: "The AAP recommends that babies be exclusively breastfed for about the first 6 months of life. This means your baby needs no additional foods (except Vitamin D) or fluids unless medically indicated. Babies should continue to breastfeed for a year and for as long as is mutually desired by the mother and baby. Breastfeeding should be supported by your physician for as long as it is the right choice for you and your baby." I breastfed my older son for about a year until he naturally weaned himself. Much, much longer with my younger son, and it took lots of encouragement to get him to wean. He is incredibly mature and independent, much of which I attribute to attachment parenting when he was small.
holy moly thats sad!

My kids could not wait to get their hands and faces into the food! Those were the FUN times, watching a little one try figure out spaghetti, or watching them try catch the peas, or something else...
i think it is time for big people food.. nothing mushy.. dice it up really well.. chicken.. veggies.. pieces of potatos and let him feed himself.. my daughter was gnawing on a steak bone before she even had teeth lol. my kids NEVER ate jarred food.. they hated it.. have you ever tasted it???? ugh no flavor. it was the breast till 2 or so and real food as soon as they showed an interest.. today they eat any and everything.. also it will take him longer to digest chunky food so maybe he will feel full longer.. gl with the sleeping.. hope it helps..
There are no kids like your own. I HATED the little ankle biters until I had my own. Admittedly, I enjoy teenagers over rug rats by a long shot, but I still enjoyed MINE. There's just something about family.

As to the original topic...I recall chewing on frozen pickles when I was a kid. Just a thought....
maybe the feeding is connected to the sleep?

He's eating less "food" so he's hungrier thus not sleeping soundly.

I'd do cereal and breast before bed after a bath. . . that should knock him out

at 10 months I was grinding baby brooks' food up in a grinder .... try things that you find comforting and filling- sweet potato and brown rice, tiny bit of water for consistency. its almost not like baby food. Or gerber puffs.
mom'sfolly :

Skip the aspirin for any child under 21, it is associated with some serious risks, mainly Reye Syndrome.

When my kiddo was about that age, we skipped the teething bicuits but gave him stuff to chew on. Crusty bread and pizza crusts were favorites. They eventually mush up in the kids mouth, give the chewing satisfaction and don't turn into cement when they dry, unlike the teething biscuits.

baby asprin isn't real asprin silly goose

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