10 month old not sleeping or eating solid foods anymore????

baby asprin isn't real asprin silly goose

Yes it IS. There is also acetominaphin and ibuprofen, but they are not the same medicine any more than corrid is sulmet or tylan is baytril.
baby asprin isn't real asprin silly goose

Yes it IS. There is also acetominaphin and ibuprofen, but they are not the same medicine any more than corrid is sulmet or tylan is baytril.

ok, let me make an apology correction and retraction
baby asprin is asprin in small dosages.. I buy the generic stuff at the pharmacy and according to the wife it's actually a generic tylenol

My main concern was to making sure someone didn't purchase aspirin for their child thinking it was not aspirin. In many cases the aspirin has been relabed as low-dose or something similar, but not always.

Baby aspirin is used to prevent heart problems in adults, as well as in certain conditions for very specific children.
I think that boyd meant the over the counter pain meds safe for babies..
wheather it be called baby aspirin or baby tylenol...or whatever..
he probably just always called it baby aspirin.. even though its not "really" aspirin its what alot of people call it..

(correct me if i'm wrong boyd..)
baby aspirin isnt just used for heart problems..
my infertility doc has me on it..
its used for alot of things..
IDK...I'm debating on not having kids. It really just does not seem like a good idea to me. I like playing with them, but after awhile, I want them gone. I stopped breastfeeding at 14 weeks so I guess that may have something to do with it?? (As in when I was a baby, not when I had a baby...which I haven't. Because it just does not seem like a good idea...)

14 weeks is plenty. It really is a personal choice. 14 weeks allows a mother to pass on the most important stuff and then some

Um, actually the longer you breastfeed, the better for the child. I have heard that past age 5 is not as nutritious.

mom'sfolly :

Skip the aspirin for any child under 21, it is associated with some serious risks, mainly Reye Syndrome.

Baby aspirin is what most likely gave me my drug induced Lupus.

Breastfed babies aren't supposed to eat solids until at least a year. Please go see your Pediatrician, he/she knows best!
Breastfed babies aren't supposed to eat solids until at least a year. Please go see your Pediatrician, he/she knows best!

While I agree with most of your statements, the AAP says about 6 months, not a year.
14 weeks is plenty. It really is a personal choice. 14 weeks allows a mother to pass on the most important stuff and then some

Um, actually the longer you breastfeed, the better for the child. I have heard that past age 5 is not as nutritious.

I don't know what the point of your post was. The point of my post was to help someone feel good about 14 week breastfeeding because any breastfeeding is good. The first few days of breastfeeding allows antibodies to be passed from mother to child. This is very good. It's the best. For anyone wanting more info, look up colostrum.

There are many women that would like to be able to breastfeed as long as they can, but it's just not possible for a lot of women in American society. We should support those women that can breastfeed for longer, but not at the expense of those that cannot nurse for that long.
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As long as everything checks out ok with the pediatrician and he's gaining weight fine......

I'd let him feed himself chunkier foods if he seems ready.

Sleeping - I think he should definitely be sleeping longer and he really shouldn't NEED food/milk during the night. It's better for him and for you to get a longer sleep. I think most babies wake up during the night but then put themselves back to sleep much as adults do. If during these wake-up periods they cry a bit and someone offers food it reinforces that when they wake up they should cry because then they'll get some food.

I think you should try this: When he wakes up go to his crib/bed and comfort him but don't feed him and DON't get him out of the crib even if he's crying. Talk to him and try to calm him but with as little physical interaction as possible - this should help him learn how to put himself to sleep without depending on nursing/rocking to sleep. This way he knows you're there for him but he is to sleep until an acceptable wake-up time and you don't get him up until that time. At 10 months he wants what he wants but not necessarily what he needs -so that's what mom or dad is teaching him.

My son acted similar to that at a younger age and this method really worked. He's 3 now and has been an excellent sleeper since about 5 months old.

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