100 Pictures of my Flock: 2013 Edition

:lol: Thanks! I giggle every time I look at that picture of Rosie. She was on 3 or 4 eggs from the big girls and ticked off because She Who hopped up there. You probably can't tell from the picture, but she had the feathers on the back of her head standing up as well. :gig Silly girl.
niklaus7, I think you meant to post over at this thread: https://www.backyardchickens.com/t/749510/100-pictures-of-our-flocks-a-community-picture-project That's the 100 Pictures of Our Flocks thread.

100 Pictures of my Flock is my personal picture project, not open to submissions by anyone else.
Cute bird though!
Pictures! Folks, I got all excited thinking I had a few themes to check off from the pictures I've gotten over the past couple days, only to realize that most of them didn't fit themes that weren't already checked off! :/ But I do have at least one theme I can check off, so here we go!

First of all, I saw this picture and I knew I just had to share it. The theme's already checked off, but 82. what in the world, Fancy? What in the world?


Last Friday, I got home pretty late in the afternoon, but it was such a nice day that I just had to let the girls range. Apparently, some of them decided they needed 9. a day at the spa after a long day stuck in the chicken yard.



Very soon, a few spa-goers turned into many, until nearly half the flock had joined in on it!



Raven would like to give her entry for 97. the stinkiest stink-eye now.


Oh, and one last one that would have been good for 6. chicken bed-time, or even 47. the cutest hennies. Frankie, Amy, Scooter, and Vespa, all ready for bed. :love

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