101 reasons we love ducks

I love ducks for all of these reasons for sure!!!!
#175 - how they greet you with enthusiasm but as soon as they see you dont have treats they nag you till you fill up the white bucket.
#176 - How no matter what you are doing they feel they must be the most important priority and sit right in your lap, pooing on anything in their way.( Dont love the poo though.. )
#177 - How they all have their own little quirks and attitudes and dont care what any other animal thinks.
ROTFLOL!!! LOVE this one and never would've thought of it myself!!

#178 How they turn our place into a Parade Ground every day.
#179 How they love to follow along and "help" regardless of what the chore is (have to lock them out of the way when we're working with the horses and goats sometimes because they are their own worst enemies! Ever try to lunge a horse with 7 Scovy babies in a round pen?!? Honestly, I think that the horses put them up to it!!
#180 How my Scovy girls are cleaning the eaves on every building of bugs and moss.
#181 Starting my days with a belly laugh because the Scovy girls are cleaning the windows of the dormer and then peek in like "Hi, Mom!! Chores are almost done!"
#182 How some of them come when you are calling the dogs and FASTER than the dog could possibly get there, but then are way to busy if you need them.
#183 How the wild ones are soooo disorganized flying overhead during migration and sometimes REALLY irritate the over-organized wild geese who happen to take off at the same time.

Okay, I will quit there. Love this thread!! LOVE to see new people coming over to our way of thinking!! LOVE MY DUCKS
#184- When it snows they try to bathe in the snow...sooo cute!!
#185- They LOVE snow unlike chickens who wont come out unless all the snow is shoveled from the ground with some straw so their feet dont get cold...ducks dont care they just have fun!!
#186- When they fly out and wont fly back in so you have to and catch them and put them back in...and then 5 mins later they are out again...
#187- Even if you have hatched them out dozens of times, they just keep getting more and more cute!!!!
#188- How they sit in the snow with their feet curled up under their feet so they can "observe" whats going on...
#190 The way my ducklings, when they are in the big brooder and I open the lid, FREAK OUT! LOL, It' s like "Run Away! RUN AWAY!" And then I stand quiet for a second and they look at me with their little heads cocked, and go "OH WAIT, It's her, COME BACK! COME BACK!" And they do, in a big peeping crazy pile and nibble my fingers..

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