101 reasons we love ducks

42. In an egg-laying contest with chickens, they win hands down.
43. The eggs are richer and heartier.
44. The eggs are bigger.
45. The eggs are more nutritious.
46. They don't need much in the way of shelter--a dog run & a few bales of straw suffice in most climates.
47. The way they chuckle and laugh and peep (if they're babies) when they're happy.
48. Watching baby ducks dive under the water and pop up several feet away.
Awesome!! This should be stickied for all those doubters who decide to peek in on this board.
And I think we should go for 1001!
And I think we should go for 1001

Yes, there's more!

102. Ducks are better foragers than chickens, resulting in a better egg/feed ratio.
103. Ducks body temperature is higher giving them more disease resistance.
104. Most domestic ducks don't fly and it's easy to keep them fenced out of your veggie garden when you want to.​
Ooh ooh! Forgot two of my favorites!!
113. When you are spraying them with the hose or if its raining, how they sit back on their legs and tuck in their neck and sit up strait and enjoy the cool down.
114. When you are spraying them with the hose, how they bite at the water!
such entertainment....
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