101 reasons we love ducks

Ooh ooh! Forgot two of my favorites!!
113. When you are spraying them with the hose or if its raining, how they sit back on their legs and tuck in their neck and sit up strait and enjoy the cool down.
114. When you are spraying them with the hose, how they bite at the water!
such entertainment....
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118. The way they come running when they see me turning the compost pile.
119. The way they jump on the pitch fork trying to be the first one to get any worms I might dig up in the process.
120. the pitter-patter of their feet on the sidewalk
121.the way they grab the food out of your hand
122. the way they walk in a strait line
123.how cute the call ducks chubby faces are
124.the way they try to take on my goose Spunky


I love ducks
You guys got to them all before I could.

My favorites are when they cock their heads to the side to look up at me on the deck.

The way they go everywhere together always (follow the leader).

Watching them run!

But I can't number them because they've already been mentioned.
Can't add anything to what's been said already, except to say I love going outside every morning & hearing them QUACK a 'good morning' back at me---yes, that gets my day off to a good start!
They are messy and muddy and I LOVE MY DUCKS!
Ritz & Graham Quackers, you are the best!

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