101 reasons we love ducks

132. the way the cock their heads up and watch that airplane cross the sky the whole way even after it's out of site...
133. The way the run under my feet when they do finally spot a hawk/owl, like ducklings running under their momma.
134. How my two learned what different things mean, like when i point at them, it means to shut up.
135. and when I yell "GEET DOOOWN!" it means to stop stepping on the edge of their pen (they do this and often fall down.) And they way they know they are not supposed to be standing there and look embarrassed when you catch them doing it.
136. how they get into sneezing fits in the 15-20 range.
137. (for indoor tub ducks-) how the second i pull the drain for the tub, that's when they go into a feverish fit to start bathing even though they've been in the tub for over and hour.
138. how no matter what i try to do (hiding in yogurt, stick inside of other foods), they always manage to pick out those nasty carrots from their treat medleys.
139. how one duck will eat anythign placed in front of him and the other will pick at food like a picky 3 year old (esp when she figured out i was putting her medicine in her tomatoes, and proceeded to pick the pill out before eating them).
140, or how i taught them to jump up to catch peas
141. And how when i tried to teach them to "WAIT" for treats and not maul me when i have peas, all i did was teach them how to bow their heads... So when i say wait, they expect to get a treat after bowing their heads down.
142. and how my duck victor will do his tricks half-donkied (avoiding swearing lol) thinking it's good enough for the treat. lol
145. The way that they are kid-magnets.
146. The sensation of ducks nibbling on your toes.
147. They come running when I call them (if they happen to feel like it).
I've decided today to get 3 pekin ducklings

1 Male
2 Females


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