101 reasons we love ducks

238. The way they quack from the coop at you to make sure you are really coming so they don't have to get their lazy butts up in case you aren't really coming just walking by.
239. The way they can get you wet even from 50 yards away
240. They way they run like they are about to take off then see one of their mud puddles and forget they want to try and fly
241.The way the ducklings can make a mess in the brooder 2.5 minutes after you cleaned it but you give them a treat anyway because they smiled at you while they made the mess
this was posted awhile back - but my call ducks are still young and with them swimming in a rubber made container every afternoon NOSE BUBBLES are my favorite by far at this point
247. When you only planned on having 5, and somehow, 1 year alter you have 35.
248. Ducklings can empty a 8 gallon watterer in 60 seconds, flooding their brooder on a daily basis.
249. ducks follow you insently until you give them treats. chickens don't.

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