10wk Australorps... please tell me at least one of these is a pullet!!!


8 Years
May 16, 2011
Brisbane, Australia
At 5wks old, it was clear one was a roo. He already had a red comb and wattles. But now at 10wks one has started crowing and I can't figure out which one it is, as now they BOTH have red combs. My other chooks are different breeds so these are the only two I have to compare with.

They are tricky to photograph but hopefully there is enough to make an educated guess. I cant have roosters so have to do some urgent rehoming of one or both


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They look really big for 10 weeks old, but if you are sure of the age, then yes, they are probably both cockerels. In the first picture, the one on top is definitely a cockerel. In the third picture, the one in the middle is definitely a cockerel. I believe these are both the same bird, and I would bet that it is this bird that is crowing. The other Australorp is just a little behind in development, but is likely to be a boy as well.
I got them as day olds on 21st September so there's no question they are only 10wks old. :(

On the bright side, the other 4 that were hatched same day all seem to be girls. No red combs to be seen.

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