11 week-old mostly lazing around :(


Furiously Foraging
Premium Feather Member
Mar 31, 2023
New Hampshire
Hello everyone.

I hate posting this because I feel like a massive failure, but also admit I know next to nothing about expected chicken behavior.

Our 11 week-old pullets have been in their outdoor pen for a month. They have 20 sqft/bird (there's four of them), multiple perches at various heights, a dust bath with dried herbs, a mulched enclosure that attracts bugs to eat, and lots of attention throughout the day. I also rotate toys, and give small amounts of snacks (leafy greens, an occasional corn cob, dried larvae, etc.)

They spend most of their time laying under the stairs to their coop. They do get perky whenever we head outside. I guess I expected more foraging/perching/dust bathing, but I get there's only so much to do when you're locked in a pen. Due to our neighbors' off-leash dogs, I'm not able to free range. We are trying to expand the pen another 7 sqft/bird, and possibly add a chunnel or other secure means of giving more freedom.

Am I missing something obvious? Do chickens just lay around a lot in their cuddle puddles? Are they depressed? Just relaxed?

Thanks for your help.

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