12/19 10PM EST Chat Room Christmas Ball

@migocontodos~ :

Good Lord Jusin...I'll not hear of that.
You can sit at the main table with the us.
Its no need for you to be burdened with sitting at the kiddie table.

(Jordan better hope I do not find a date for Nifty..cause if i do..he's sitting alone with Ryan)

oh I can't take no more...I need a drink!
I knew this was going to happen when I asked Jordan to do one thing, just one thing...look what his darn accent has went and done!

I have had enough!
I've come to the end of my rope.
I've tried very hard to be accomodating to everyone but for some it is just not enough!
Several of you knew that for years, I had an ongoing affair with a lady, LD. We had a horrible break up that started 1/1/2006
She was the foundation for which I stood on. Solid as a rock but so sweet and fluffy. I loved to sit and talk to her and nibble on her.
Well, enough I got a hate mail today from someone threatening to bite off LD's head if I did not let Jordan sit at the main table.
I still love LD, and there is nothing I would not do to protect her...soooooo....I've been forced to say it!

Jordan, you can sit at the main table with us tonight....but you better take a shower and have on some nice cologne and I am not talking about Old Spice either!
@migocontodos~ :

I have had enough!
I've come to the end of my rope.
I've tried very hard to be accomodating to everyone but for some it is just not enough!
Several of you knew that for years, I had an ongoing affair with a lady, LD. We had a horrible break up that started 1/1/2006
She was the foundation for which I stood on. Solid as a rock but so sweet and fluffy. I loved to sit and talk to her and nibble on her.
Well, enough I got a hate mail today from someone threatening to bite off LD's head if I did not let Jordan sit at the main table.
I still love LD, and there is nothing I would not do to protect her...soooooo....I've been forced to say it!

Jordan, you can sit at the main table with us tonight....but you better take a shower and have on some nice cologne and I am not talking about Old Spice either!

WELL, I NEVER!!! Some people resort to threats when I am just happy to be included in the party and was more than happy to sit with Jordan at the back of the room by the Champaign fountain!!! THE NERVE of some people. Sorry @migo you have to go through this torture! Lord help the soul that did this to you!!!
The lady in me is not very happy right now!!! Watch out for the lady in the blue sequined sapphire gown...and matching earrings and necklace and 4" pumps!!!! YOU YOU PARTY POOPER!!!! You know who you are you better hide

Jordan, you can use some of DH's nice cologne tonight!!! He won't mind!

@migo you might want to sit by the champaign fountain with me....I hear it is gonna get messy tonight and the head table just might not be the place to be!
Debi, oh Debi....do you see what is going on here!!! Get that arm warmed up girlie! Chuck oh Chuck, need a hand here!!!!​
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Now look, ya'll don't make me have a "Come to Jesus Meeting" before the party tonight!
I think I will have to borrow the "Board of Education" Paddle from Sister Margaret Mary to bring with me tonight to straighten out some people.

Some people just have to ruin it every time for the rest of us!

By the way Todd, I have arranged for two big, burly off duty State Troopers :cool to act as security guards/bouncers in case somebody really gets out of hand.
you talking about me Fr Chuck? I promise not to ruin the sapphire gown!! I promise
runs off to find the slipcover to put over the dress at the party. New fashion statement! )
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