12+ BBS Bantam Ameraucana eggs _NPIP

Little Ameraucana Mom

Need Help, Can't stop hatching!!!
14 Years
Jul 8, 2008
Greencastle, In
Please do not bid, just email me.
paypal:he[email protected]

We just got BB ,and RB at a open show this month !!

Orders will be shipped out, in order of payment recieved.

Hatching eggs are a big risk, Once they leave my hands, I'm not responsible for how the PO treats them If you do not understand this do not buy hatching eggs.

When you pay PLEASE put in the message area on paypal , what you bought and if you are wanting them shipped at a later time. Plus phone number if you want to pick them up. With so many people ordering it would make it alot easier for me. . Thank You. !!

12+ eggs out of our show quality birds





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perdy! I found a lady with a silver hen, I have her now lol. I would still love to get some of your eggs but alas my bator stays full of pheasant eggs, not having much luck with them lol, still figuring out how to have a good hatch on the pheasants haha. Oh well, maybe closer to the end of the season I can get some from you if I have the monies. Getting some mandarin ducks next month too excited about them to even think about buying more stuff to worry about until I get the pen finished lol. I am so in trouble when my 6 setting hens come off their nests.... I already have 105 birds, if all the babies make it out alive that number will go up about 50 lmao

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