12 day old Pekin Duckling Panting?

I've talked to my boyfriend about it and we're going to wait until later in the spring to acquire more ducklings. They were very sweet and adorable when we first got them. I know he's looking forward to more because I heard him mention to a friend yesterday that he's hoping to have at least 20 by the end of the year.

I think we're probably going to go with either a different supplier or pick up new ducklings at swaps and from local breeders.

Thank you, everyone, for all the help. Every little bit counts and I appreciate all of it.

I just added half a vitamin of Niacin, mixed into a gallon of water. The Onate Feed is medicated (I've not found unmedicated feed yet). It's medicated with Amprolium. 

Since this post was a few years ago, I'm hoping you figured out the reason for losing your ducklings. But if not, or for other beginners like myself, it was most likely the medicated feed. Mine are almost a week old, so I'm really new at this, but noticed mine panting and found this post. The breeder I purchased from said NO medicated feed for ducks. Its ok for the chicks and keets I also got, but not necessary for them either. I hope you've had better success recently.

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