12 hours no heat is there still a chance???

I also lost power overnight when the bulb blew the temp was down to 15 and the eggs stone cold could have been off anylength up to 9 hours but 5 out of 6 hatched (black coper marans)
I had a power outage during the first week of incubation on my eggs. As of today, I have 2 hatch and 2 pip, out of five. They were due on St Patricks Day so I had just about given up hope. Good Luck!
We lost power in the snow for about 12 hours. It effected some of our hatches, but we have gotten eggs from each one. I have seen the difference in the next 3 hatches in the incubator have almost 100% of the eggs developing. The problem I have seen with loss of heat for several hours is they stop developing about 1/2 way through.

Hopefully you will get more babies than not from your hatch.
I candled again just now and the clear veining I saw earlier in the egg is gone, and there is a faint ring around the embryo. Either I'm seeing things or it's definatley gone...I didnt know it happened that fast...
Wow, how long did they go without heat?

They were without power for about 7 hours, then it flickered for another hour or so. Then it took about an hour to get back up to the right temp.. Right now I have 4 babies jumping around in the Bator, waiting to see if #5 will hatch.
Did I read right, did you only have two eggs? It does sound like you've lost the one, anyway. How's the other(s)? I'd see if you can get more, anyway. If you have a lone hatchling, it'll do better if you can get it at least one more for company. Geese are extremely social, they need other geese.

I hope all isn't lost. I have a hen that always gets confused about which nest is hers. She'll leave her eggs and go set on the wrong one. I'll find her eggs stone cold after who knows how long. One clutch this happened about 8 times. Then 5 out of 7 hatched. I always think they're dead, but then she hatches around 80%.

I don't know if geese are more fragile at first or not.

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