12+ Tomaru Longcrower hatching eggs


Rebuilding my Farm
9 Years
Dec 30, 2010
Sparta, MI
The baritone voice of the avian choir… The Tomaru is very likely the ancestral parent or a part of the ancestry of the Kurogashiwa and the similarities are evident. Where the line of demarcation begins in the voice and then in the form. The Tomaru may have a few long main sickles, but is not a pronounced long-tailed breed. The real appeal of the breed comes from it’s extraordinary crowing prowess. On the average a cock can crow from 10-15 seconds, but there are many individuals that can crow for 20 seconds. The longest crow on record for the breed is 25 seconds. It’s voice, however, is one the most beautiful among the Long Crowers. This particular rooster has both the 2-tone call of the “Schnork” at the end of his song – two factors of high value in the Tomaru’s song. The Tomaru is an interesting breed. It is the tallest and the heaviest of the long-tail and long crower breeds. The weight of the cock averages 3.75 kg (8.33 lbs) and that of a hen 2.8 kg (6.22 lbs). a cockerel averages 2.8 kg and a pullet 2.15 kg. the breed comes in black only. The Japanese Standard calls for a green sheen all throughout the body. The Tomar has a single comb, medium black plumage, long neck tightly folded wings, long legs and stands erect.; hence it appears statuesque and regal. The comb of the male is usually red but ti is often stained dark along the base. The comb of the female, on the other hand, is invariably dark purple throughout. Long sickles, long main tail feathers but normal coverts and saddle characterizes the tail of the male Tomaru. The tail of the female is short and normal. Both sexes molt annually and have dark grey legs and equally dark toenails. They lay good size tinted eggs. They are great broody breed too.

Upon Delivery:

Allow eggs to settle and to warm slowly to room temperature, preferably overnite before placing in the incubator. Abrupt warming from 55 degrees to 100 degrees causes moisture condensation on the egg shell that leads to disease and reduced hatches.
We advise that the eggs be carefully unpacked and placed small end down. This will help egg settle. Ideal storage conditions include a 55 to 68 degrees F. temperature and 75% relative humidity.
Some eggs will have a detached air cell from shipping. Incubate these eggs as well, small end down. There is still a chance for hatch.
Shipping will be USPS Priority for $16.00 Eggs will be sent out on Mondays and Tuesdays and Wednesday as available.

As you all know shipping of hatching eggs is a gamble, so therefore I don't guarantee that you will have a good hatch, a good hatch depends on how the box is handled after it leaves my hands, also on incubation technique, and hatching technique. What I do guarantee is that you will get eggs that are no more then 2 days old when we put them in the box. I individually wrap each egg in bubble wrap and double box the eggs.
i was wondering if you still had hatching eggs i know this is a year old but i am really interested in getting some eggs
Please!!!!!!! Tell me you still have tomaru eggs. I am very interested in them or even young chickens or chicks. Get back with me and let me know. 423-921-2718. Thanks

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