12-week EE Gender Confirmation


Apr 29, 2020
NE Illinois
I've posted this suspicious EE at both six and eight weeks (pics at the link). She seems to be sticking with pullet, but wanted to get thoughts in case anyone sees anything I'm missing.

Sorry they're a little blurry - she's always on the move, usually to avoid our LB hen (who is also responsible for the couple missing feather chunks). Once she bulks up, no question this one is going to be leader of the pack, though.

Of course, now that I'm posting the pics, I'm nervous about every little feather!

EE12wk (1).jpg EE12wk (2).jpg EE12wk (3).jpg EE12wk (4).jpg is

She looks like a Muppet mixed with an eagle. And she always has those neck feathers ready to go if the RIR wants to play ball, but she's shaping up to be a benevolent flock leader.

It is definitely a weird color mix, and she keeps changing. She's now getting some gold on her head and under her wings is getting darker. She's about three days old in the pic below - I certainly did not expect all the yellow and orange that has turned up on her.

She was a replacement for a failure to thrive EE I had to put down, so have really been on tenterhooks about seeing if I was finally going to get blue eggs. Thanks!


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