12 week old Cochin - gender?

Puller. If that's a SLW in the back of a similar age, do you happen to know the gender? I have one so I need one to compare mine too lol
Puller. If that's a SLW in the back of a similar age, do you happen to know the gender? I have one so I need one to compare mine too lol
That's Pearl. She's also a pullet. I was worried about her a few weeks ago because her white/lacing seemed to only be coming in in patches on her shoulders, but since then, it has filled in really nicely. A big difference between 8 weeks and 12 weeks. People on BYC were unanimous in the pullet vote
Pearl had redness in her comb and wattles early-on, but I have heard that that often happens with Wyandottes.

Thank you for the pullet votes for Pinga! Her comb and wattles look red compared to the rest of our girls, but part of me thinks that is because she is so dark, and the color stands out against her feathers.
That's Pearl. She's also a pullet. I was worried about her a few weeks ago because her white/lacing seemed to only be coming in in patches on her shoulders, but since then, it has filled in really nicely. A big difference between 8 weeks and 12 weeks. People on BYC were unanimous in the pullet vote :)  Pearl had redness in her comb and wattles early-on, but I have heard that that often happens with Wyandottes.

Thank you for the pullet votes for Pinga! Her comb and wattles look red compared to the rest of our girls, but part of me thinks that is because she is so dark, and the color stands out against her feathers. 

Thank you!! :) fingers crossed for when I get home in 2 weeks and check up on how mine's feathers have developed!

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