12+ Welsummer Hatching eggs


10 Years
11 Years
Jan 24, 2009
Wellies have such a wonderful temperament. Even the roosters, and the dark, speckled eggs are a big plus!

Our eggs are packaged beautifully. Each egg is individually wrapped in bubble wrap and set air cell up inside the box. No egg will touch the sides of the box. All eggs are shipped USPS Priority with delivery confirmation. Your delivery confirmation number will be emailed to you upon request. Of course, we offer no guarantee on hatching eggs due to having no control over how the eggs are handled in transit to you. We have yet to have a report of broken eggs. We get lots of reports of great hatches and many repeat customers.

Other breeds are available if you would like to mix and match, however full price will apply. You can see what we have to offer at our website, CountyLineHatchery dot com.

Payment methods:
Paypal to [email protected] are preferred.
Personal check is accepted, however payment must clear before eggs are shipped.
Money Order accepted.


ETA Egg pix
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What a gorgeous rooster,
can you tell me how old does a Welsummer hen have to be before it can lay an egg?
It varies quite a bit with my line. Anywhere from 20-26 weeks. The birds that start laying later tend to have darker eggs.

I am interested in your comment about the roosters having a good temperament. When I decided to have a small flock I did a lot of reading and settled on Australorps; Partly due to reading from several sources that they are friendly - and that even the roosters have a good disposition. My hens are all I hoped they'd be - but this rooster is a mean, mean SOB. I can't go into the yard with him and not be flogged; usually several times. He is very beautiful, fertile and watchful of his girls - but he is beating me black and blue.

Last night I googled "Australorp rooster" and found several comments about how universally mean they are!

So, what is the real deal with the Welsummer roos? I keep thinking of the line in "Cold Mountain" - I can't abide a flogging rooster - which makes me think many won't be this difficult to have around - but maybe they will all flog you occasionally?
I have 4 different bloodlines. Mostly KC and VB lines. The roosters are all KC lines as those are my favorite.

I"ve never had a Wellie roo challenge me. They tend to mind their own business.

ETA: Bloodlines means everything, especially since temperament is bred into your line. For instance, Rhode Island Reds tend to get a bad wrap. Truth is, many Heritage lines don't have that problem, hatchery stock does.

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For instance, Rhode Island Reds tend to get a bad wrap.

I was looking at your web site earlier and was surprised to see what you said about your RIR! I was also impressed with the rich color of the hen you have pictured. I noticed a similar comment about the Marans.

What would you suggest would be the most certain to be a more laid back roo? Also, if one orders eggs to hatch - what would be the minimum you allow ordered?​
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My sweetest roosters are my RIR's, Cochins, Silkies, Showgirls, and Marans.

I was looking at your web site earlier and was surprised to see what you said about your RIR! I was also impressed with the rich color of the hen you have pictured. I noticed a similar comment about the Marans.

What would you suggest would be the most certain to be a more laid back roo? Also, if one orders eggs to hatch - what would be the minimum you allow ordered?

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