13 week old black copper Marans sitting a lot

I would not feed flax seeds to chicks and only very little to adults occasionally (black chickens get a wonderful green sheen), because of the amount of cyanogenic glycosides it contains.

Look at his legs and feet: In case they are feathered, are there pinfeathers coming in that might pinch him with each step he takes?
I would not feed flax seeds to chicks and only very little to adults occasionally (black chickens get a wonderful green sheen), because of the amount of cyanogenic glycosides it contains.

Look at his legs and feet: In case they are feathered, are there pinfeathers coming in that might pinch him with each step he takes?
They are feathered! I’ll check that. Thanks
One pin feather looks like it might have been picked a little but he doesn’t act like it’s sore. He’s very unhappy being in the pen by himself.
Is this pinfeather bloody/broken? Do the pinfeathers reach the ground when he walks? Look closely, if they push back into his toes when he puts his feet to the ground.

This is a common problem with breeds that have heavily feathered feet.
Is this pinfeather bloody/broken? Do the pinfeathers reach the ground when he walks? Look closely, if they push back into his toes when he puts his feet to the ground.

This is a common problem with breeds that have heavily feathered feet.
It’s just got a little pink spot in the shaft. It’s on the side of his leg but near the foot. I’ve got him buttoned up for the night but I’ll check again in the morning to see if it’s touching the ground or his foot when he stands or walks. If it does do I pull it? And is there anything special I’d need to do to keep it clean?
It’s just got a little pink spot in the shaft. It’s on the side of his leg but near the foot. I’ve got him buttoned up for the night but I’ll check again in the morning to see if it’s touching the ground or his foot when he stands or walks. If it does do I pull it? And is there anything special I’d need to do to keep it clean?
If this pinfeather proves to be the cause of his problem, you could pull it, but be careful not to cause more damage when doing so. Disinfect prior to pulling and afterwards as well and spray with Blue Kote to conceal the red colour which will otherwise entice pecking.

Some of my Marans will pluck their own pinfeathers off their feet to stop the constant pain. Others will slow down for a week or two until the feather growth is completed.
This is terrible, but how do you check to see if his crop is emptying overnight? I had chickens many years ago but have forgotten more than I remember. Does seem a bit more complicated now than it was then.
I didn’t see any swelling in his legs but I’ll check it out more thoroughly this morning. Same with the poop. I may have to wait on that till I get him into his own cage. With 25 of them… there’s a lot of poop. Haven’t seen any sign of lice or mites. They love rolling in their sand box, but haven’t seen any excessive scratching or picking.
The flax seed is to increase the omega 3 in the eggs and meat. Hubby and I suffer from terribly high cholesterol that hasn’t corrected with diet so hoping our chicks will help us with this. Just started it a week ago and am keeping it light. It’s fine ground. I’ll check the protein and get some pictures for you.
Thank you for your help!

His crop seems soft.no swelling in the legs. When he walks (not much or very far) his legs shake and if he stands his whole body shakes. Doesn’t want to eat even out of my hand.

The new “grower” has 19% protein and and a little calcium. It’s also medicated.

Seems to be twitching a little on and off.
The new grower is medicated? Is it chick starter with Amprolium? At their age, they likely don't need medicated feed. It won't hurt them, but they should have already built resistance to the Coccidia strain(s) found in their environment by now.

I think you mentioned you found his crop, but just to be sure. Run your hand down the right side of his breast after he's been eating/drinking, you should be able to feel the crop. Like a pouch of food/water under the feathers. A crop can be firm or soft depending on what on how much they have been eating. The main thing is to check the crop first thing in the morning before the bird has had anything to eat or drink - it should be empty or flat. Once your back in the swing of things and feel multiple bird's crops, get to know them more, then you'll start recognizing what is a normal looking (and feeling) crop fill for that particular bird. It takes time, but your doing good!

The whole body and leg shaking to me is concerning. Shaking can be a neurological symptom. Of course there can be other causes, but that's the first thing that comes to mind. I would give him vitamin therapy to see if that helps. 400IU Vitamin E and 1/4 tablet B-Complex daily. Hopefully he's having some pain with feathers poking through, but the vitamins for a week or so shouldn't hurt anything.

He's handsome, so I hope he starts to show some improvement.
Didn’t plan to buy medicated but rural king only had the grower in medicated. And I didn’t want to give them anymore of the layer. I’ll let you know how pulling it works out.
How do you go about giving the vitamins? Do I mix with water and use a dropper or put on top of food?
I get it! Sometimes (especially in today's retail market) you have to go with what you can find!

For the vitamins, I just pop the pills (one at a time) in the beak and let them swallow. Easiest way I know of doing it.

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