13 week old blue Cochin - pullet or cockerel?


7 Years
Jun 9, 2013
This is a bonus chick from McMurray, Slate. Though I always thought I didn't like feather-legged breeds, this one really got me. I have assumed that it is a rooster but I'm starting to wonder. My rooster died this past winter and this "fellow" is supposed to be his replacement. But, at 13 weeks I haven't heard even a faint gurgle-crow from Slate. I'm happy either way.

I'm actually very happy that he is a cockerel - I've been looking for an easy-going rooster for my flock. The rooster I had previously was a true gentleman, he took care of his ladies, never caused any damage to their backs or combs and was quite polite around people (he only jumped at me a handful of times in 5 years and it was usually my fault) and when he died I knew I'd have a hard time replacing him. I kept a silver-laced Wyandotte cockerel that I got in the spring, he ended up being advertised as a "free, tasty rooster" on our local chicken forum.
Slate really is a handsome fellow, especially considering that I got a true blue rather than a splash, and I'm hopeful that he will be a worthy successor to Angus. I don't bring in chickens except from hatcheries and vaccinated for Marek's. I don't need to be showing them, so getting hatchery birds is just fine for me.
He's beautiful, and should fit your wants perfectly.

Remember, large Cochins are pretty slow to mature, and at 13 weeks he's still just a baby. My bantam Cochin roosters from May aren't crowing yet, either. Folks on here have reported their large fowl Cochin rooster haven't crowed or mated until 8ish months.
This is how differently they mature. These 2 boys are both 8 weeks old, and the barred looks like he could crow any day, and the cochin is just a big docile baby.

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