15 day old PICS!


10 Years
Sep 18, 2010
Pine Valley (New Waverly), TX
Wow, they're getting bigger. They are actually starting to feel substantial when you pick them up. And I'm starting to see some personalities. Every time one of the girls gets on the perch and starts flapping her wings, Mr. Feathers will run over and stretch his neck out and try to evil eye her down. They usually ignore him, which is kinda funny. One of the BO's runs to see what I'm doing when I put my hand in the brooder, while everyone else runs away.

So, on to the pictures. It's funny. The first couple I take are all standing up, posing; while the last few, I can barely get to stand. They get so sleepy waiting their turn in the box in Dad's lap. I do like how they are starting to get feathers on their shoulders - looks like dinosaur spikes!

Topaz, EE

Mr. Feathers, EE

Jade, EE

Un named EE 1

Un named EE 2

Galena, dk Brahma

Un named dk Brahma

Un named GLW 1

Un named GLW 2

Opal, SLW

Un named SLW

Un named BO 1

Un named BO 2

Un named BO 3
I like to guess as to the gender of chicks. I'm not sure if you care about my predictions but here they are...

Pic #1 - Topaz - Cockerel
2 - Mr. Feathers - Pullet
3 - Jade - C
4 - EE - C
5 - EE - ? (not sure)
6 - Galena - P
7 - DB - P
8 - GLW - P
9 - GLW - P
10 - Opal - C
11 - SLW - P
12 - BO - C
13 - BO - C
14 - BO - P

Let me know how I did, okay?!
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Very cute!!! One of my BO is real nosiey to. I think I'm going to name her nosey Josie! Mine don't have names yet but the buff and the yellow are hard to tell apart.
Very cute!!! One of my BO is real nosiey to. I think I'm going to name her nosey Josie! Mine don't have names yet but the buff and the yellow are hard to tell apart.
Ooooh, Wisher! They're supposed to all be pullets except for Mr. Feathers! I'm still learning as they grow, but Mr. Feathers is growing his/her? wing feathers out slower and the tail feathers are spaced in an arc, while all the other EE's have their tail feathers in a straight line. I am starting to wonder about one of the BO's, tho - the one with the least amount of tail feathers. That one seems to face off with Mr. Feathers the most. It's so funny watching them go face to face, necks all stretched out as they try to stare down the other.
I have 2 BO about the same age and one of them was a bigger comb then the other. Does any of your BO have combs at this age? It is probably a roooster with my luck, it also hates being picked up and the other is very calm.

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