16 month old Sick hen


Mar 27, 2022
West Virginia
Hi everyone, one of my 6 hens has been acting bad for about a week and I attributed it to a hard molt hitting her but yesterday she seemed to be disconnected from everything around her. I brought her in last night and have her crated. She is drinking water with VetRX mixed with DuraStat. Her poop is bright green with white. She is drinking but not really eating. She is sleeping a lot. She's the bottom of the pecking order btw. I keep encouraging her to eat and she mostly just drops whatever you hand her, like she's just being nice about it. Any advice would be greatly appreciated 🧡
My hen is not eating anything now but is drinking ok, I've added Baytril to her water. At what point does she need force fed? I'm really scared about this!
How does her crop feel? Large, flat, hard, squishy? The green poop could be from her not eating, but if she has a crop disorder it will cause more harm if you try to force-feed her. After you check her crop, report back.
Good morning, her crop feels empty. I added a tbsp of unsulphured molasses to her drinking water last night and she was drinking even more. She looks about the same this morning so far.
Try offering some human vitamin B complex 1/2 tablet daily or some Poultry NutriDrench daily. Those can help her appetite d give a boost. Offer a wet mash of chicken feed, and either a little scrambled soft egg or tuna. Offer water often. How hot is is where she is housed? Does she have shade? Can you bring her out to spend time outdoors? If she has been bullied or kept from food and water by others, hopefully she will perk up. Does she normally lay healthy eggs? Her green poop looks like she has not been eating.

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