18 month Khaki's moved, stopped laying

Larry B

May 19, 2017
We recently purchased 2 18-month old Khaki Campbells from a local farmer. They dropped 2 eggs the first day, and haven't laid since. It's been over 3 weeks!

We realize that moving to a new home was probably a shock for them, but they seem very settled and happy.

Any thoughts on why they may have stopped and what we can do to get them started again?

Thanks, -- Larry
Your right moving can get them off for a while so hopefully you'll see eggs soon. If they are free ranging you might want to egg hunt too. Making sure they have the best feed will go along way in helping the girls lay also,but there is also the consideration they may have just finished this round of laying and are also giving their bodies a much needed rest before they begin again. :welcome
Great idea, I'll get some meal worms. Also have a ton of red worms in the compost, which they love, but they won't rattle when shook in a container!
We got an egg!!! They layed it in their 'swimming pool' (concrete mixing trough) this morning so I didn't see it until I changed the water this evening. Can't wait to eat it.

Only took 2 people to herd them into the coop tonight (3 last night). This is going to be interesting, as they are so full from eating worms and grubs and mulberries and etc all day on our farm that they are not even interested in their layer feed, which I withhold during the day to tempt them back to the coop.

Thanks for all your help.
If there is a way to separate the coop and run with temp fence it will work but taking 2 separate groups of ducks and putting them together with out giving them time to live side by side for a while can cause problems. Fighting, bullying etc. If possible I'd take them over about a week before you leave and let them live side by side with fencing between them let them get to know each other first.

Boy that was a close call with the snake any way to reinforce your pen to keep them out? Hardware cloth half inch?
Is it usual for them to stop laying in the late spring, when it seems they should be peaking in egg production?

The farm we bought them from said we can exchange them for another 2 Khaki's, but I keep thinking they will lay any day now, and they seem very happy here (I'm happy too -- our first ducks and I love them!).

Yes, they are free ranging now but I don't let them out of their coop until 7 or so in the morning, and they definitely didn't lay any eggs when they were kept in the coop for the first 2 weeks.

Thanks for your help, -- Larry
Ducks have to have breaks in between laying or they would not keep their health. It's not unusual for them to go 2 weeks off before starting again and it very important that egg layers get plenty of calcium in their feed and even offering Oyster shell on the side. When they came home with you they may have just finished up their cycle of laying and with that and the new home could be the cause of them not laying yet. Give them another week before you think about exchanging them for another 2. I am always relieved when my girls take their breaks in between laying Then I know they are getting their bodies rested and built back up to start again.
The plot thickens: One of the ducks mounted the other one today. Do female ducks ever do this, or is it clear that one of mine is a male?
This is getting crazy. Today, yesterday's bottom duck mounted the one that was on top yesterday. Is this normal for (female) ducks?

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