18 month old hen with very swollen spot below vent


8 Years
May 29, 2011
Kansas City, Kansas
Hey fellow BYC'rs! I need some advice. I have an 18 month old Barred Rock hen who has been laying steady and acting normal. Still is. But today when she was ranging I noticed that below her vent she had a very large bulge and all the feathers were spread out there from the pressure. I picked her up and her vent is fine as it should be but this bulge is squishy and a bit lumpy. She did not act like it hurt her when I pressed on it, but she did pass gas/make a farting noise from her vent when I did it. My hubs thought that was just hilarious---me not so much. I am worried as she is my favorite hen and my best layer. Any ideas? Thank you for helping Big Momma get some treatment!
Anyone??? Any suggestions at all??

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