18 week old what?


In the Brooder
6 Years
Apr 29, 2013
I originally got 7 hens from my local garden supply store and quickly realized one was a rooster...my white leghorn. I re-homed him 3 days ago due to aggression. All of the sudden this one is "on" another one of my hens. Is it a rooster too? It never crows or shows any type domination. Help!
Easter Egger rooster. He may just have been inhibited by your other rooster and not crowed or mated while the other roo was there. Now, everyone's fair game!

the other two chicken butts are hens, btw
Thanks for all the help. Can you let me know the breed of my other chickens and what color eggs they should lay? (assuming they are all hens....lol)

All hens!
first photo--silver laced Wyandotte- light brown eggs. Easter egger pullet, looks to have a good pea comb so blue or green eggs.
second photo--black sex link. medium color brown eggs, should lay nice large eggs once she gets going.
third photo--red sex link. again, medium brown eggs and they should be very large once she hits her stride.
fourth photo--I'm not sure, she doesn't look like any purebred to me. If she's from a hatchery my best guess would be an atypical Easter egger that will probably lay cream or pinkish eggs, she has a straight comb so that cuts down (but not eliminates completely) the chances of blue or green eggs. If she's not from a hatchery, I'm going to say barnyard mix, and some shade of brown or maybe cream eggs.

They're a nice looking flock. I love having different breeds and colors. My chickens double as eye candy!

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