19 and a half weeks old and still no eggs :( egg countdown anyone??

All of you are doing so well, or let me say your hens
are doing so well, so nice, very very nice.
My little Lucy, a Columbian Wyndotte, is now in the nest box. I was moving my pens around and the girls were crazy with excitement waiting to get to some new grass. By the time I had it all ready to go, little Lucy had disappeared inside. The Black Austrolorp "Gerty " has laid 3 eggs total. First egg, then I think 4 days till the second one. Then she just skipped one day till her third egg, which was yesterday. Now if Lucy completes her task I will be very close to having a full breakfast :). Having a glass of iced tea and waiting

Well that was fast! No celebration song, so I wasn't sure when I went to look. But there it was a tiny little egg!!! Pics to follow
Well that was fast! No celebration song, so I wasn't sure when I went to look.

Peep (a Cubalaya) laid a small light rose colored egg while I was working IN the coop. Not a "peep" out of her! She just quietly left (kind of like my 17 Y/O

Zia (Ancona) rips the song out for 5 minutes, sometimes sings BEFORE she lays.

Kids, they are all different.

Gracie and her 1 week 1 day old chicks. They didn't care for the outdoor temp very much today. First time she's had them outdoors and they spent most of their time under her.
Tried to download several pictures but this is the only one that worked, IDK why.

I am ONE fortunate person. Last evening when it was time to shut up the chickens, Gracie just hunkered down outside the coop w/her babies. I picked up the babies and walked slow to the coop. Gracie followed. She went into the coop and found a corner to settel in for the night and her chicks followed. This morning when I went out to feet/release the chickens, I could hear one baby hollering it's head off. Went into the yard and could hear Gracie just inside/behind the door doing her Momma clucking. Couldn't see a baby so I started calling. Here comes a chick out from under the coop!! Let Momma and the rest of the chickens out. Momma & baby were glad to reunite. Guess after I put them in the coop, the chick went back outside. BUT, he/she survived outside all night by it'self!! Was 32 degrees when I got up this morning.
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Peep (a Cubalaya) laid a small light rose colored egg while I was working IN the coop. Not a "peep" out of her! She just quietly left (kind of like my 17 Y/O

Zia (Ancona) rips the song out for 5 minutes, sometimes sings BEFORE she lays.

Kids, they are all different.


So true, huh . I am just having so much fun with this chicken life.
I am ONE fortunate person. Last evening when it was time to shut up the chickens, Gracie just hunkered down outside the coop w/her babies. I picked up the babies and walked slow to the coop. Gracie followed. She went into the coop and found a corner to settel in for the night and her chicks followed. This morning when I went out to feet/release the chickens, I could hear one baby hollering it's head off. Went into the yard and could hear Gracie just inside/behind the door doing her Momma clucking. Couldn't see a baby so I started calling. Here comes a chick out from under the coop!! Let Momma and the rest of the chickens out. Momma & baby were glad to reunite. Guess after I put them in the coop, the chick went back outside. BUT, he/she survived outside all night by it'self!! Was 32 degrees when I got up this morning.

Wow Lucky. Lucky chick too :)
My poulets are 28 weeks old and only my one buff orpington (Martha) is laying about every other day. I think maybe I got an egg from one of my Easter eggers a couple weeks ago, (very light rose color) but nothing since. I put a light in the coop (25 watt) that comes on at 4am. Should the wattage be higher? Everyone squats down when I pet them except for miss Dottie the silver laced wyndotte.
My chickies turned 26 weeks old last Saturday. Today my daughter and I were talking about Christmas and I said all I wanted was an egg. Found an early present - a beautiful, perfect egg - in the top nesting box tonight. All the chickies were on the roost, so no idea who exactly laid it but it was one of the BR's. Sad to have missed the egg song, hope I get to hear it this weekend.
A new development today!! I found two green eggs in the nesting boxes!! That means BOTH my Easter Eggers are laying. YEAH!!


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