1st 4-H show........questions


12 Years
Aug 17, 2007
Can anyone tell me what they look for in the pullets? The only thing I have heard is they want a well matched pair. Can anyone elaborate on this?
A well matched pair of what? You can show a pullet on it's own. Not sure what you're asking
my son is taking a pair of buff pullets. From what I read they are to take pairs of birds. Our 4-H really has been no help to newbies. I have never shown birds before so I really am clueless in this area.
well I have only been to one 4-H fair with or silkies . And our club its self was not really helpful but the others at the fair where GREAT!!! I think they like pairs so the chickes are not alone in the pen bt I coud be wrong too.

Hope somepne else can help you out.
My son is in 4-H, and it was not required that he have a pair of chickens, but he does enter both a male and a female. This way, both have the chance to be grand champion winners. He did enter some single chickens, as well.

If you have 2 hens of the same breed & variety, only 1 can win the big prize. If you get a pair, try to get 2 different breeds. They judge all the same breeds and varieties together.

In our fair, all chickens have their own cage, and all of my son's chickens were kept together.

This was our first fair and we both learned a lot. It is also a lot of work. His club had barn duty for 3 hours, 3 times during the week. They were also responsible for feeding the club's chickens 2 times/day. As well as, getting their chickens cleaned up for the breed show. They also had showmanship.
It is a good experience for the kids.

Hope this helps. Any more questions, let me know, and I'll try to answer them.
I see exactly what your asking...I was at our county fair the night of the auction. Grand Champion bird was a Cornish Cross Rooster and the kid that won had to sell the rooster with another rooster, same breed (that didnt place) along with it. I have no idea why she had to do that....Same for the Reserve champion a RIR pullet, two RIR pullets went up to the auction block. If you find anything out let me know...Maybe its a Indiana thing?
Our fair is going on now and the chicken show is over. When showing a pair of hens they look for several things, condition of skin-feathers, breast size, breed standard and they want a matched set (two birds of same breed that are similar in apperance and size) My son was counted off because their weight did not match.............live and learn!

At the auction you sell your pen, you are actually only selling one bird and usually give them the second one. Not sure why they do this. Our county is doing a new thing where you can donate your bird and they will be processed then the meat will go to our counties food bank.
I guess all fairs are different.

On the last day of the fair, the kids can auction off 1 bird, and it has to have gotten a blue ribbon.

The money from the auction goes to the 4-H member. If the buyer wants to donate the bird, there is a 2nd auction and the $ goes to a specified charity organization, with that buyer getting the bird.

It is a little different for the meat pens.
Our fair just got over last Sunday. It was my first time going to the fair for 4-H. I had a great time. The way the do the auction here is you can sell your pen of market chickens. Which is three broilers, doesn't matter on weight. That is the only way you can auction a chicken. Or you can do a market goose, duck, turkeys, dove.

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