1st broody hatch


8 Years
Mar 21, 2013
The Republic of Texas
This is my very first hatch with a broody. Today is hatch date and what had been going well is quickly turning bad. We went out to check for chicks and found instead that the broody had left to get a drink and one of the other hens was eating a newly hatched chick:-(. We had no issues during incubation so we decided not to separate. I didn't want to have to reintroduce the hens and new chicks but I didn't anticipate this. It was a cream leg bar hen that got eaten. Is this such that I am going to have no choice but to separate them or was this just an unfortunate incident of timing when the broody left the nest?
Hello so sorry about the loss any more hatched? I decided to separate my broody from the flock to give her. Her own space to hatch the chicks I would suggest moving her and her unhatched babys asap
I've blocked her off from the rest of the chickens but I didn't want to move her. Working on getting her access to food and water and I may just leave them like that until the chicks are all hatched and mobile.

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