1st egg and then no more?!


5 Years
Jun 15, 2014
Florida, USA
We got our first egg 3 days ago, and since then we haven't gotten any?! Is this normal? Someone please explain? I'm a little worried
We got our first egg 3 days ago, and since then we haven't gotten any?! Is this normal? Someone please explain? I'm a little worried
Nothing unusual at all...not to worry. When your girls start laying, at first it's kinda hit-n-miss while their little bodies are figuring out the whole egg-laying thing. When mine first started (I have 4 Black Australorps) my first one to lay didn't lay again until 2 days later, then the next day, then 3 days later...so it takes them awhile to "even out" and even then you'll get an occasional 'skip' or two.
How much longer do you think it'll be? Also how do you know who's egg comes from who lol. I have 3 possible hens and I'm not sure who it's from!
How much longer do you think it'll be? Also how do you know who's egg comes from who lol. I have 3 possible hens and I'm not sure who it's from!
That's really hard to say...just keep checkin' those nest boxes.....as the old saying goes....."patience, grasshopper..."
That's really hard to say...just keep checkin' those nest boxes.....as the old saying goes....."patience, grasshopper..." :gig
I know lol.
I just really enjoyed the first egg and it was super exciting and now nothing lol. It's like a tease! Also do you recommend anyrhing for new egg laying chickens? I have crushed oyster shells (for calcium.)
I know lol.
I just really enjoyed the first egg and it was super exciting and now nothing lol. It's like a tease! Also do you recommend anyrhing for new egg laying chickens? I have crushed oyster shells (for calcium.)
I give my 4 girls 2 hard-boiled eggs for 'breakfast' about 2-3 times a week. You should crush them (shell and all!) real fine...then stand back because they will be CRAZY for them!
I have found that my later season hens (those who start laying in Sept, Oct) are more likely to take longer to get going than ones who begin to lay in July/Aug. On a bright note the Late Ladies from last year layed some eggs all winter.

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