1st egg from my EE!

Nice looking girl & nice looking egg! My EE was the first to lay of any of my chickens.. did it when I was gone for the weekend & dh found it. It was green! She was 20 weeks.
Heckel's Hens :

Princess was 24 weeks, 2 days when she laid that beauty.

Here she is:


She is the farthest to the left, with the partridge coloring. Her "sister" looks the same (next to her), but less golden/red.

She looks like my Prissy and Betsy. Very pretty girl.
Heckel's Hens :

She looks just like Jospehine! Great name.

Thank you. I named her after my grandma Josephine and I named my Black Australorp Sophie, after my other grandma.
OH I'M SO EXCITED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That is a great egg color! I have 11 chickens and the 2 oldest are 16 weeks this week!!!!!, one of them is an EE!!!! I can't wait to see what color she lays!!!
Thanks for sharing!
P.S. What other hens lay your brown eggs, the darker with speckles? Are all your chicks from hatcheries?

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