1st hatch, day 22, vid attached, duckling shadowing?

what day was it set in the bator ?
What kind of duck is it ?
What has been your temp and humidity ?
Hi there! I am hatching Welsh Harlequins. I have 3 eggs. Had 4 but lost one a fee weeks ago. Also, this particular egg is significantly larger in size than my other two, has been since the get go.
My incubator doesn’t keep track of number of days, I am keeping track on a calendar. I set them on may 23rd, 2023. This is my first hatch (probably my last lol because keeping them alive are to this point has not been easy task and I feel so bad for them 😢)
The incubator has been HORRIBLE, the built in temp/humidity monitors have never been accurate but… I didn’t realize that until about a week ago at which point I purchased a couple hygrometers. I FINALLY have that situation much more stable (probably at the expense of these poor babies 😢).
Humidity has been averaging 50-ish% this last week, temp averaging about 99%. I am worried the big one is shadowing because I know my readings were incredibly off (prior to this last week) and possibly too warm and definitely way too high humidity. kind of worried the little cutie is overdeveloped?
Hi there! I am hatching Welsh Harlequins. I have 3 eggs. Had 4 but lost one a fee weeks ago. Also, this particular egg is significantly larger in size than my other two, has been since the get go.
My incubator doesn’t keep track of number of days, I am keeping track on a calendar. I set them on may 23rd, 2023. This is my first hatch (probably my last lol because keeping them alive are to this point has not been easy task and I feel so bad for them 😢)
The incubator has been HORRIBLE, the built in temp/humidity monitors have never been accurate but… I didn’t realize that until about a week ago at which point I purchased a couple hygrometers. I FINALLY have that situation much more stable (probably at the expense of these poor babies 😢).
Humidity has been averaging 50-ish% this last week, temp averaging about 99%. I am worried the big one is shadowing because I know my readings were incredibly off (prior to this last week) and possibly too warm and definitely way too high humidity. kind of worried the little cutie is overdeveloped?
Also, THANK YOU for your reply to my initial thread post/question. I have actually been reading a lot of your posts in this last week or two, so I was super excited to see your name pop up lol! ☺️
THANK YOU so much Miss Lydia 😘! They are welsh harlequins (I have 3 eggs, started with 4 but lost one a few weeks ago).
I have the incubator from hell that has been incredibly inaccurate and unreliable. I didn’t realize this until about a week ago at which point I bought a hygrometer/thermometer. All is stable now in the world of humidity and temp but prior to that, who knows the damage that was done to these poor little guys and girls :(
Hi there! I am hatching Welsh Harlequins. I have 3 eggs. Had 4 but lost one a fee weeks ago. Also, this particular egg is significantly larger in size than my other two, has been since the get go.
My incubator doesn’t keep track of number of days, I am keeping track on a calendar. I set them on may 23rd, 2023. This is my first hatch (probably my last lol because keeping them alive are to this point has not been easy task and I feel so bad for them 😢)
The incubator has been HORRIBLE, the built in temp/humidity monitors have never been accurate but… I didn’t realize that until about a week ago at which point I purchased a couple hygrometers. I FINALLY have that situation much more stable (probably at the expense of these poor babies 😢).
Humidity has been averaging 50-ish% this last week, temp averaging about 99%. I am worried the big one is shadowing because I know my readings were incredibly off (prior to this last week) and possibly too warm and definitely way too high humidity. kind of worried the little cutie is overdeveloped?
When you say much bigger it’s possible this could be a double yolk ( twins ) my twins shadow started early and they tried to hatch day 23-24
Babies should be fine but if it was warmer then it should be then they may hatch early
They do shadow for 2-3 days before internal pips
Just keep an eye on the egg. It’s ok to candle daily until external pip
When you say much bigger it’s possible this could be a double yolk ( twins ) my twins shadow started early and they tried to hatch day 23-24
Babies should be fine but if it was warmer then it should be then they may hatch early
They do shadow for 2-3 days before internal pips
Just keep an eye on the egg. It’s ok to candle daily until external pip
Do you think the video is showing shadowing? If so, should I put the egg in lockdown?
Also, I have suspected twins the last couple of weeks just bc of how “different” things seem to look inside compared to the other two (and size of egg). My husband (who is MUCH less invested than me lol) is convinced there are two in there. His first reaction when I candled them for him was “I see them! there’s two in there!!” i’m not completely convinced. maybe because I know the ultimate outcome most likely won’t tbe live babies :(
Do you think the video is showing shadowing? If so, should I put the egg in lockdown?
Also, I have suspected twins the last couple of weeks just bc of how “different” things seem to look inside compared to the other two (and size of egg). My husband (who is MUCH less invested than me lol) is convinced there are two in there. His first reaction when I candled them for him was “I see them! there’s two in there!!” i’m not completely convinced. maybe because I know the ultimate outcome most likely won’t tbe live babies :(
I would wait but really watch that egg
If you go to my profile and I have a thread on my twins with videos
You could compare what you saw

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