1st time incubating


In the Brooder
5 Years
Jul 1, 2014
Today is day 22 and I only have 8 chicks from a batch of 46. All 8 chicks hatched 2 to 3 days early. I checked the incubator this morning and no popping or movement from the other eggs. I have a forced air incubator with a auto turner which I took out at day 18. I am afraid my other eggs won't hatch. How long do I wait before I give up Hope? The temp is 100 and humidity 50. What did I do wrong?
I have no advice for you, since I'm trying to figure it all out too. I just wanted to say I'm sorry. It's very disappointing. My first hatch, I hatched 3 out of the 42 I set originally, (only 9 made it to lockdown). It's really sad & you just want someone to say "THIS is why it happened, do THIS and it won't happen again". I'm on my second hatch, day 21 and so far have hatched 5 out of the 24 that made it to lockdown (40 set). The anxiety over whether they're all going to hatch or I'm going to repeat my miserable first hatch attempt is pretty stressful.
Today is day 22 and I only have 8 chicks from a batch of 46. All 8 chicks hatched 2 to 3 days early. I checked the incubator this morning and no popping or movement from the other eggs. I have a forced air incubator with a auto turner which I took out at day 18. I am afraid my other eggs won't hatch. How long do I wait before I give up Hope? The temp is 100 and humidity 50. What did I do wrong?
If they are hatching early, your temp is a little high. Did you candle the eggs to see if they are viable before lockdown? Has you thermometer been calibrated to reflect accurate temp? I usually go a week past the hatch date in case there are any late hatchers. Good luck.
I did not candle the eggs but next time I will. Also I went and bought a new thermometer and my incubator reading is 3 degrees off so when I had it set at 100 degrees it was actually 103 in there. Grrrrr. So what are my chances of any more hatching?
Today is day 22 and I only have 8 chicks from a batch of 46. All 8 chicks hatched 2 to 3 days early. I checked the incubator this morning and no popping or movement from the other eggs. I have a forced air incubator with a auto turner which I took out at day 18. I am afraid my other eggs won't hatch. How long do I wait before I give up Hope? The temp is 100 and humidity 50. What did I do wrong?
When you count your days are you counting the day you set the eggs as day 1 or are you waiting to start your count after 24 hours? That will make a big difference as to how close to "on time" they are. Early hatches do signify slightly warmer than normal temps. Humidity at lock down should be at LEAST 65% (I shoot for 75%). What did you have the humidity at for the first 17 days? Most hatches hatch out what is going to hatch w/in 48 hours of the first hatch. I'd give the eggs 24 hours after the last hatcher, then candle and look for internal pips and movement. If there are no internal pips and no movement then I start my first eggtopsy by going in at the air cell to double check before preceeding. You can wait as long as you'd like to, don't do anything until your comfortable with the decision, it's all a matter of how long you want to drag it out. I will say I've found hatchers after day 23 tend to have problems and most people I know don't have to much luck with chicks surviving after day 24.So, when you are ready to call it and there's no signs of life, tap into the air cell first.

Sorry to hear that your hatch wasn't the greatest. I would recommend a low humidity (otherwise known as dry) incubation in the future.
Thank you for the advice. I kept the humidity through day 17 at 50%. I did count my set day as day 1. I think I will wait a couple of more days to see what happens. I did try to candle some of the eggs and they are dark inside. I can see the airsac in the egg but no movement.
Thank you. Your article is very helpful. I am going to try you method next time. I will be resetting eggs on may 9.

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