1st time shoveling poo


9 Years
Feb 15, 2010
Yesterday afternoon I cleaned out the chicken coop for the first time.
Wow, what a mess! I donned a dust mask and gloves and shoveled away. It was a nasty job that I suppose I will become accustom to. But being the first time, I thought Mike Rowe from Dirty Jobs should have been helping me. While filling 3 large trash bags of poopie pine shavings, I wondered, "Why in the world don't we have a compost bin?" I also wondered, "Do I really love these chicken?" The answer came last night when I went to lock them up. My favorite pullet, Elizabeth, heard my voice and came out to see me. She's a pretty Americana with blue legs promising to lay blue eggs someday. I picked her up and went over to sit in an adirondack chair and look at the fading sun. She sat in my lap and then followed me back to the hen house a while later. As she hopped up on the ramp and went in, I knew that shoveling poo was worth it.
Ah yes. ZEN and the fine art of poop scooping. I usually go out every 2 or 3 days so it doesn't build up. I found a large cat litter scoop that lets the wood flakes fall through while keeping the poop in. I have one hen (Golden Fleece) who always shows up while I'm cleaning and she stays and pecks around while I work. I think she's the supervisor. I love my hens therefore I love their poop.
I use sand in the run so it's like I'm cleaning a really big cat litter box!! I really do like the sand, stays dry, very easy to scoop poop, no need for grit...

Who needs anti anxiety meds when you have chickens, definitely relaxing not to mention entertaining.....

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