2.5 month old hen sounds like horn!!??


In the Brooder
Mar 21, 2015
I'm a first time chicken owner can someone please tell me if it's okay that one of my Cornish cross hens sounds like a horn Thanks!!
Howdy wilkykav and welcome to BYC

Well, if it is not annoying you and you do not have neighbours close by, then it is probably OK

When you say she sounds like a horn are you positive she is a she? Could she be a he? At 2.5 months old, he could just be finding his crow.

I only have 6 chickens but they all have a very unique vocal register and I can tell without looking who is having a chatter, or just laid an egg etc.

Having said that, changes in ‘voice’ can be an underlying symptom to something sinister going on in the throat or respiratory disease.

I would keep a close eye on her; if she continues to make the noise and is not showing any signs of illness; lethargy, disinterest in food/water, diarrhoea, nasal or eye discharge etc, she is probably just going to be a noisy one or, in fact, a he.
Thanks Telila!
Out of 16 chickens i have two roos,you can even tell by behavior before you can be sure by looks ive learned-my hen is as healthy as the others,im hoping that is just her sound and ill keep an eye on her,hey i can pretend shes purring lol

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