2.5 week old welsummer chick- acting depressed


6 Years
Nov 4, 2017
Ok, so I wanted you to read the post, so I said she was depressed.
I guess its more like she is lazy? sad? sick?

I have 20 little chicks that are 2 weeks old.

Last week I started letting them outside into the outside playpen, so they can eat clover and dust bath in some dirt/sand, they LOVE IT. Its so fun to watch them, so much activity. They do it for about 2 hours each afternoon 4-6 pm.

Everyone buzzes around, eating, chasing, pecking, bathing, perching...Except "pee wee".
Pee wee is one of the smallest (there is one other her size). She looked maybe 1-2 days younger than most of the rest when I picked them up.
I only started noticing this week that during outside time (which is the only time that i sit there and just watch them for 15 -20 minutes) that Peewee doesnt really move. She walks around and then picks a place to sit, randomly. Just sits. Like she is laying an egg. It may be right in the middle of the commotion. Other birds are stepping on her head, walking all over her. she just sits there. It was so bad the other day I picked her up and put her on the little roost (its about 7 inches off the ground)so she would stop getting trampled.. she stayed on the perch the whole 20 minutes i watched.
I havent seen her eat or drink, but she must be.
They have been out of the brooder and into the barn in their own area (with mama heating pad) for 3 days now. Today again, I noticed her laying in the hay, and when I went to pick her up she waddled, low to the ground, wings down, like she was going to the toilet and her pants were around her knees- like a real low waddle. So, I brought her inside the house, and she is in a cat crate with heat and straw and food and water. Her crop is empty. She is all alone yet she is not crying or cheeping at all. She looks totally normal and healthy, and when I try to pick her up she can stand up and walk normally. But then she lays right down again. Anyone have any ideas???????????? Its almost like she has been possessed by a lazy cat.
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Sounds like there may be something internally wrong with it. Generally those with birth defects will die in the first month after failing to thrive. It happens unfortunately.
Today again, I noticed her laying in the hay, and when I went to pick her up she waddled, low to the ground, wings down, like she was going to the toilet and her pants were around her knees- like a real low waddle. So, I brought her inside the house, and she is in a cat crate with heat and straw and food and water. Her crop is empty. She is all alone yet she is not crying or cheeping at all.
What does her poop look like?
Can you post a video of her walking? (upload videos to youtube, then provide us a link)

You mention that you have not seen her eat/drink and she has an empty crop. See if she will drink for you (get her hydrated) then offer her some chick starter.

With a chick that age, I would be torn between providing her with poultry vitamins and treating for Coccidiosis. 2wks is a little young, but it's not unheard of to have an overload either.

It could also very well be that she is failing to thrive as @oldhenlikesdogs mentioned.
Ok, I will try and get her drinking in the morning. I have both - vitamins and medicine for coccidiosis. She is not sneezing. I have never posted anything to you tube but i will see if I can figure it out, if I get a video.
Ok, so she stood still for 30 seconds then laid down.

I sort of "made " her walk. She would take 1-2 steps (her toes of R foot stepping on toes of L foot and vice versa) then sort of fall to the side (like when they dust bathe) and then she'd scratch her face with her foot and lay down. I did this over and over and it was the same response. She seems healthy-(alert, twittering) but injured or something.

I made her drink water and she had a few mouthfuls of yogurt, but unless I am making her, she has not touched either on her own. I'm thinking leave her be for 3-4 days and if she's still alive, her "injury" should be better??

Thoughts or suggestions would be very welcome. All ideas considered.
She would take 1-2 steps (her toes of R foot stepping on toes of L foot and vice versa) then sort of fall to the side (like when they dust bathe) and then she'd scratch her face with her foot and lay down.
I made her drink water and she had a few mouthfuls of yogurt, but unless I am making her, she has not touched either on her own. I'm thinking leave her be for 3-4 days and if she's still alive, her "injury" should be better??
Photos of her legs or how she is laying down along with what her poop looks like would be great.

The stepping on feet sounds like it could be genetic, but it's hard to know.
If she is not able to eat/drink on her own, then you will need to give her supportive care by hand feeding/watering her several times a day.
Her poop is totally normal nice and firm photo below.

She is liking the yogurt. had to use syringe but then she was pecking it up herself.

Pics of legs below. So, I dont know how to post a you tube video-- but she walks like a short step little shuffle- like the floor is ICE or like a kid in high heels that are too big. Shuffle shuffle.


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Photos of her legs or how she is laying down along with what her poop looks like would be great.

The stepping on feet sounds like it could be genetic, but it's hard to know.
If she is not able to eat/drink on her own, then you will need to give her supportive care by hand feeding/watering her several times a day.

Photos are above @Wyorp Rock . It is 3 days sh'e been in the cat carrier. Still shuffles and flops to her belly, if I take her out. Eager to eat yogurt, but nothing else.
Photos are above @Wyorp Rock . It is 3 days sh'e been in the cat carrier. Still shuffles and flops to her belly, if I take her out. Eager to eat yogurt, but nothing else.
Do you have her on any type of bedding or a surface that is non-slippery (shelf liner, pine shavings, etc.)?

Try to encourage her to eat her chick starter, you can offer it wet with a little yogurt mixed in to entice her.

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