2 chickens attacked by raccon this morning, saved them both.


6 Years
Nov 29, 2013
My Coop
My Coop
Hi, only one was bitten she's bieng quarentined. How do I know if the coon was rabid.
My attempt at shooting it failed. It ran before I got the shotgun. We did hit it twice with a hoe. I'm worried.
rabies can only be passed on to mammals so you need not worry about it harming your chickens. Also if it was rabid it would likely stay around and attack you instead of running away.
The only yhing you need to be carefull is with the wound. The racoon may not be rabid but he will most likely have bacteria in his mouth which could infect the wound. I suggest acquiring an iodine spray used for horse wounds as this has helped me combat wounds on hens in the past. It is also known as purple spray. More likely than not your chicken will not get infection however better safe than sorry.
Thanks, at this point I wonder if one of them will make it, her beak was split, .......... like a broken nose. I would have put her down but my husband thinks that cocks, when they fight them (in our countries) go through worst and make it as long at their guts and organs are not hanging out or damaged.
I can't imagine purposely allowing my chickens or rooster to get hurt!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Crazy world.
Sounds like it should heal. Provide lots of calcium in the form of oyster grit to allow her beak to heal better. The swelling should go down.
Hold I'm trying to upload but I work in IT for the gov and I'm behind a firewall. Signal is so scrambled I can't send it via my phone.

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