2 Day Old Chick- What is This? Is Something Wrong With It???

I'll be honest, I've never seen one quite like this. It's definitely very dry and won't be absorbed any further but cutting it could possibly cause a bleed, which is why others are suggesting to leave it without cutting. My concern would be that there are also intestines there because the coloration and the "string" is unusual to see even with an unabsorbed yolk sac. Is there any chance this could have been a double yolk egg? Does the abdomen of this chick look round at all like it absorbed a yolk sac?
It looks like a possible umbilical hernia to me. If it is there’s nothing that can be done at this point. I lost a chick to one a few weeks ago.
It isn’t feathers hanging... I believe it’s umbilical cord....it’s still hanging but we have to move him on to brooder. I was gonna snip it but not without someone saying it will be ok to.
Also he is a chirpy one but is mighty puny(skinny) looking got some chick starter now to feed him and water with a bit of Pedialyte

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