2 Drakes Fighting

I do have all drakes! I have 2 pekins, and 2 runners. Runners were hatchmates, pekins are suspected to also to be together since hatching. Mine get along in the winter, and fight all summer. (Not sure if the runners will, I just got them in September. )

Water means sexy time for ducks! So they will fight in the pool. But not enough where I have to intervene. It's weird, the pekins will generally bathe first and then the runners, but not always. Everyone wants to use the pool at the same time. I usually fill up small seperate pools (cement mixing tubs) which helps.

Last summer my pekins faught terribly, and I had to seperate them with a small fence.

One was generally the aggressor so I'm hoping to pair them up or seperate my fiesty duck. I use small fences that I can step over, and they can see each other.

I think your other option is to rehome one, and get 3 girls for the remaining one, or get 6 or more girls and keep everyone.

Heres a clip of a brawl, before I knew what was going on!
Thank You so much for all the info! Yeah it seemed like one the water was no longer fresh they didn’t fight at all and they just cuddled all day and we’re totally normal so I guess I’ll just keep a close eye on them and see what happens, I’m worried in the spring that it will get worse though but this was helpful thank you

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