2 ducklings with weak leg


In the Brooder
May 9, 2022
Guys really need your help. One of the ducklings hatched yesterday around 9 pm (11 hours ago) which was day 29 but is still very weak. Have problems with holding head up. Although it's moving, wiggling and peeping a lot. It almost dried out by now and it's still in incubator. I gave it a bit of sugar water this morning and will try to get some booster

Another one didn't hatch yet and it's this same scenario as with our first duckling - made a tiny chip on the pointy side of the egg and didn't pipped air sack but I can see his beak thru hole so giving him a time. It's very quiet but still moving sometimes. Also Another egg didn't show any signs and I candled it today and it didn't pipped internally. I decided to opened it a bit where air sack is and find out it was shrink wrapped. Opened it to check it and it was dead. But the biggest shock was that duckling was deformed it had no upper part of beak. (Not sure if I can post photo in case not everyone is willing to see that) So guessing that was the reason why it never made it. I'm gutted. Everything was going so well till last night. Don't know where I made an mistake - temperature, humidity, egg placing? The worst is that we are left with one happy healthy duckling which is now alone (assisted hatching). I had a look for another duckling to buy if the worst scenario appears but couldn't find anything in 100miles area
Guys really need your help. One of the ducklings hatched yesterday around 9 pm (11 hours ago) which was day 29 but is still very weak. Have problems with holding head up. Although it's moving, wiggling and peeping a lot. It almost dried out by now and it's still in incubator. I gave it a bit of sugar water this morning and will try to get some booster

Another one didn't hatch yet and it's this same scenario as with our first duckling - made a tiny chip on the pointy side of the egg and didn't pipped air sack but I can see his beak thru hole so giving him a time. It's very quiet but still moving sometimes. Also Another egg didn't show any signs and I candled it today and it didn't pipped internally. I decided to opened it a bit where air sack is and find out it was shrink wrapped. Opened it to check it and it was dead. But the biggest shock was that duckling was deformed it had no upper part of beak. (Not sure if I can post photo in case not everyone is willing to see that) So guessing that was the reason why it never made it. I'm gutted. Everything was going so well till last night. Don't know where I made an mistake - temperature, humidity, egg placing? The worst is that we are left with one happy healthy duckling which is now alone (assisted hatching). I had a look for another duckling to buy if the worst scenario appears but couldn't find anything in 100miles area
I live in northern Calif. & have hatched 16 ducklings (so far) more hatching coming up. Where do you Live? My ducklings are 1 day to 1 month old. Mallard & Pekin cross. I've never shipped ducklings anywhere. This is only my second season. Let me know if interested.
I live in northern Calif. & have hatched 16 ducklings (so far) more hatching coming up. Where do you Live? My ducklings are 1 day to 1 month old. Mallard & Pekin cross. I've never shipped ducklings anywhere. This is only my second season. Let me know if interested.
Thank you but I stay in Scotland UK.
Another one hatched (day 30) and it looks like it has this same problem. They aren't weak but it looks like one side of the body doesn't work well. They are wiggling around and peeping but one leg doesn't work and they are lying on just one side. I attached some videos. Should I give them more time? One of them hatched on the wrong side of the egg. Can it be caused by being too squished/too long in egg? None of them had easy hatch
Another one hatched (day 30) and it looks like it has this same problem. They aren't weak but it looks like one side of the body doesn't work well. They are wiggling around and peeping but one leg doesn't work and they are lying on just one side. I attached some videos. Should I give them more time? One of them hatched on the wrong side of the egg. Can it be caused by being too squished/too long in egg? None of them had easy hatch
its definitely a possibility. My baby had a difficult hatch, she got stuck and I had to assist. She was very weak for a few hours after hatch but was okay after lots of rest.
It's also possible that something is wrong with them- how many hours old are they?
I cant see any photos or videos
To post a video you'll need to upload it to youtube and link it here
Thank you but I stay in Scotland UK.
just saw this, so we are the same timezone. So they hatched last night.
Are they in the brooder yet? What is the temp in there, and can they escape the heat?
Yolks all absorbed?
Sometimes it takes a while to get their legs under them. Is their leg (which they arent using) held curled up to the body, or does it hang straight or out to the side? A photo will help. Is there any swelling or heat at the joints in the leg?
its definitely a possibility. My baby had a difficult hatch, she got stuck and I had to assist. She was very weak for a few hours after hatch but was okay after lots of rest.
It's also possible that something is wrong with them- how many hours old are they?
I cant see any photos or videos
To post a video you'll need to upload it to youtube and link it here
Thank you, here are videos

just saw this, so we are the same timezone. So they hatched last night.
Are they in the brooder yet? What is the temp in there, and can they escape the heat?
Yolks all absorbed?
Sometimes it takes a while to get their legs under them. Is their leg (which they arent using) held curled up to the body, or does it hang straight or out to the side? A photo will help. Is there any swelling or heat at the joints in the leg?
Yolk was all absorbed. Didn't noticed swelling or heating in any of them. Legs are curled up to the body when they are wiggling. But they are able to move them as well, they are just not as much strong as the other legs. The newest one just hatched about 2-3 hours ago (dark) , yellow one hatched at 9pm yesterday. They are still on incubator as got another duckling in brooder.

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