2 embryo in 1 egg? Please look at picture

The suspense and the waiting are killing me! I just put my first eggs in the incubator this morning. We've never hatched anything. I can hardly stand it.

This was my first time hatching as well and so far it's been going great!! Good luck with yours!! It's well worth the time spent
Oh they're zipping now?! Can you spare a picture? I've been reading along haha. Also, good luck on your treatment!!! I'm 2.5 years in remission from invasive thyroid cancer. I'm sending you all my cancer-beating wishes!

This is just a small bump in the road, the diagnosis that is. I'm copping through hatching eggs since I'm isolated from the world right now. This has been the best form of therapy ever! I'm going to try again in a little bit to post a picture. The egg was shaking and my camera wouldn't focus so it was a burry picture :(
This is just a small bump in the road, the diagnosis that is. I'm copping through hatching eggs since I'm isolated from the world right now. This has been the best form of therapy ever! I'm going to try again in a little bit to post a picture. The egg was shaking and my camera wouldn't focus so it was a burry picture :(
Of course. I'm glad you caught it sooner than later. Isolation is hard, and I'm glad you found a healthy coping skill!
Of course. I'm glad you caught it sooner than later. Isolation is hard, and I'm glad you found a healthy coping skill!

Isolation stinks! But this keeps me busy plus I already have my own ducks at my pond so between them and these I'm pretty busy :)
What do I do now with the one that has hatched, he's just laying there with his eyes open, I thought he had died :( do I move him under the heat lamp, is it too hot in the bator? Does he need water and food? Is he lonely, should I hold him? I'm a little panicked over here
They should be removed once dry, or nearly dry. What I do is move a few at a time to the brooder, and most of time are not fully dry. I don't use a heat lamp, but a chick cave (another topic). I feel they dry off better than being in a humid incubator. Being in a dark warm cave, or a heat lamp is more calming than staying in the incubator.

They won't look for anything to eat until at least 24 hours after hatching. They will spend time resting and gaining strength from the ordeal of hatching. Some will need more rest time than others before looking for food and water.

I'm so interested in the twins!
I am holding him now and he's calmed down , he seems to be completely dry, I offered water but he was more interested in me than the water. I hope it was OK to take him out of the bator, he just seemed so distraught. Now he's happy.

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