2 embryo in 1 egg? Please look at picture

She's so small she scares me just a little :( I can't imagine how small my call ducks will be

You did great!! And you'll do fine with the Calls!!!


This was the smallest Call I ever hatched... she was 26 or 27 grams... :)
 Oh my!! Shes so widdle! I never knew a call could be that small..an adorable little baby there..:love  

Oh my gracious. That's the weight of 2 of my quail eggs. That's TINY! I mean, for a duck.

Her egg was 35grams at set... AND she was shipped... so I have faith Lucy will do well with her next batch of duckies... :D
I am new and have been following this thread for the past 2 hrs. To catch up. It has been like reading a nail biting suspense novel that I could not put down. I feel like I just had a baby myself!!
I am now hooked on seeing what happens next. Thank you for this heart warming, gut wrenching, white knuckling experience. God bless you and keep you as you battle the big C. I am a survivor and will be praying for your complete recovery! Precious little babies will be much help in keeping your spirit strong.
Thanks again for lifting my spirit!
I am new and have been following this thread for the past 2 hrs. To catch up. It has been like reading a nail biting suspense novel that I could not put down. I feel like I just had a baby myself!!
I am now hooked on seeing what happens next. Thank you for this heart warming, gut wrenching, white knuckling experience. God bless you and keep you as you battle the big C. I am a survivor and will be praying for your complete recovery! Precious little babies will be much help in keeping your spirit strong.
Thanks again for lifting my spirit!
How great that this was your first post!

Ok so I had put Tinkerbell in with the herd while I tried to eat dinner and it turned out to be more than she could handle, I went back to get her because I thought by her being around them it would persway her to eat and walk, unfortunately they are all wild ones and trampled her. I found her laying in the water barely breathing. I immediately cried and got her out, wrapped her up, and blew in her face ( it seemed like the right thing to do idk, duck CPR) this was enough to stimulate her so I struggled with her to get water down and put a heating pad on me and her on that, after about 30 minutes of me making her mad she perked up enough to dry my tears. I don't know what else to do here, how do I feed her, how do I make sure she's getting water, I am fighting for her like I am myself and I am losing her battle. If she makes it another night it will be. Miracle..She seems tired and sick of me pushing her to stay alive :( idk what to do..She's breaking my heart
So sorry!! :(

Try not to worry about food for a day, that yolk she was absorbing will last for a bit... you get the Nutridrench? Give her a drop of that, then a drop of water... I would only put her under the basket if you put her near the others... if she is strong enough physically, then she will make it... nothing you can do if she is not... :/
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